New Regional Park for Arvada, Colorado
Team Pean just got the bid on what looks like a massive new skatepark in Arvada, Colorado. Construction on the 40,000 square foot park is expected to start “as soon as the snow melts in spring of 2011.”
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on November 10th, 2010
Categories: Skate, Skateparks
Tags: Arvada, Colorado, skatepark construction, Team Pain
Team Pean just got the bid on what looks like a massive new skatepark in Arvada, Colorado. Construction on the 40,000 square foot park is expected to start “as soon as the snow melts in spring of 2011.”
That’s really really big.
This isn’t fair…
Aren’t they called Team Pine or som’n?
nah yr thinking about team poon bro
looks like a lot of the same thing. Over half of it looks like the same flat street course.
i agree. almost half of it looks like the same old boring bowls.
nothing wrong with a big street area….keeps the tech kids out of the bowls and off the banks
I’d settle for having the Arvada Army rebuild the Humbler.
There is a Hangar replica though.
or HangEr!
Too bad Dreamland didnt get the bid ):
Troll more.
i hope this park is more fun than broomfield park. roxborough kills it though. if it’s somewhere in between i’ll be satisfied.
Broomfield is awesome! That double set is legit!
I know it’s sort of off subject but it has to deal with skate parks. Mt. Shasta, CA skate park is done. Went down there to inspect and skate the Newly finished WALLY HOLLYDAY skate park.
UH! Ok, the best part is after thirty years in the business, looks like the man has a phenomenal finish work crew, thats about it. well it’s better than the WEED park, but IT’s still the same transition just different depths. Same as ALL of WALLY hollyday parks. If the dude really skated these days, or had a sense of FLOW his parks would be off the hook. california skate park builders don’t know flow and don’t understand. GOD, I wish they would open up there eyes or USE there imagination….
WEED spot rules
The new Shasta Park rules. You’re on crack old man.
Looks super good. It will be so fun to sk8 it.
I heard the City asked for a ‘World Class’ Skate Park in the RFP. Looks like a lot of flat and the same old shit. Not to mention Tim bags the Hangar bowl? What’s original about that? There’s nothing innovative about that. Musta been a bunch of Carolina crybabies running the public meetings.
World Class? That dont’ look it. Especially when the bowl has been designed and built before. Where’s the custom/unique work in that? Guess we’ll just have to wait and see…
From the looks of this site
the street area doesn’t look like a lot of flat to me.
It looks like a lot of amazing!
And that snake run is going to be fun for sure. I actually skated the “real” hanger bowl in the early 90’s. I can’t wait for this replica all in pool coping.
I can’t believe how many complaints are here. When I started skating, I barely had anything to skate. Colorado just pours out money for this stuff. Go live in Georgia. They’re just now trying to catch up.
Damn…..KIDS ARE SO LUCKY THESE DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
uhhh the hangar was built by Tim Payne before… and Team Pain gets to rebuild it again.so what… wait till you see the snake…
This park will be sick. Yea yea yea the hanger has been built and rebuilt but this is deeper and the side bowl is back. The lines work and thats better than an over creative hole with 5 death boxes and 3 sets of stairs. Fuck it just put steps on a waterfall will that be original enough for ya? So shut up, the shape is rad and if you dont like it go elsewhere. Its Co there is another park near by.
Your all right! This park is gonna blow. You really shouldn’t bother even checking it out. All of you, don’t waste your time. You have much better things to whine about. You’ll be in my way anyway.
RIght on Coiler, David….35 yrs old here. You kids have no idea what you get to skate around here. We used to have to snake plywood scraps from construction sites to build our crappy ramps, or skate the curb in front of our house. You’re right this $2.1 million dollar skate park is going to suck, you turds should stay away. I’m going to go smoke a bowl, then carve one. Bowls/pools rule!