GVK #60: Burnside Halloween 2010

The good, the rad, and the colorful showed up for Burnside’s 20th anniversary; a skate event that accepts all types. Sometimes there is too much testosterone flowing in a session. This was not the case at the Hallowenis event. I witnessed many bare-chested men with erect nipples; a clear sign of arousal. Be it skateboarding or bare-chestedness, both were out in full force at this yearly tribute to diversity and alternative lifestyles. Here’s a bit of what I saw.

Grover’s Video Korner #60: Burnside Halloween

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2 thoughts on “GVK #60: Burnside Halloween 2010

  1. GVK! Neo-New Romantic Revival. Fun video.

  2. For some reason Gumby cracked me up and made my belly jiggle. I wonder if he was rocking clay wheels. Har har.

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