Brooklyn Street in the Portland Mercury
There’s an article about the Brooklyn Street Skate Spot in the Portland Mercury. The picture is old, because phase one is done, right down to the pool coping! Disturbing news though, according to the article, Portland’s light rail is set to impinge on the spot’s footprint as early as 2014. However, I’m not sure if the author did her research, that might just be a reference to the fact that the pedestrian bridge is scheduled to be demolished. The MAX would have to pull eminent domain on all the adjacent buildings and homes too. We’ll see…. There’s also an appearance from the neighborhood sourpuss who again reiterates his displeasure that the whole thing didn’t go through the proper channels.
[Photo: David Lansdown]
there’s also a misrepresentation of rocco’s opinion.
Yeah, I’m sure he isn’t intimidated by Burnside. I’m sure he’ll get razzed for that.
there are a few goofy things with the article but that’s common with these types of reports – the removal of that bridge won’t impact the spot – and the date is actually summer of 2012.
Remembering the first post about this spot,it is almost touching to see the progress.You’re actually building something (good),kind of what’s missing in my life,I guess.
One to three years of fun.You guys are so lucky.
Seize the moment! And you gotta love small pine trees.
The neighborhood guy that’s bitching? I’ll bet he’s a real pleasure to be around…I’ll bet his kids hate him. (If he has any.)
I haven’t even had time to actually skate that place since the last pour! I’m sad.
(“Skateboarders want to conquer all terrain.”-Rocco Caravelli)
this is very true
so are there any updated pics of the place???
Try the Facebook page.
I have a huge boner for burnside. brooklyn is cool too, but burnside is not spacious and i am not too intimidated to skate there regularly.