West 49
Our Canadian readers are slacking. I was trying to find more info on the Jeans West commercial from the 70’s when I stumbled on this commercial for West 49, which near as I can tell is the Canadian equivalent of a Zumiez.
It’s not some upstart company either. It seems they’ve been in business at least 15 years, and yet I haven’t heard of them. It’s like they are from a different country or something…
Turns out they’ve got a lot of commercials, most with skateboarding in them. OK, I only watched two others, but you can check them out on their web site, where they also have a really weak skatepark locator..
I don’t get it.What’s their core business?
Is it a clothing distributor?
well, they are now owned by Billabong…they bought over 130 shops.
Some will be closing…some won’t be.
Obviously their core business is being a core skateshop. DUHH.
Actually, they are terrible. Lifestyle kinda shop.