Here’s a video from a shop in Atlanta called Stratosphere. These guys went on on a road trip to a land of magical concrete that looks amazing, I wish I knew where all these parks were…. Oh yeah. Dang that Lincoln City looks fun. Check out the vid after the jump.
– Thanks to Eric Fleming for the tip.
After you watch this you should check out some of the other videos on the Stratosphere site, there’s some real rippers in Atlanta.
It’s amazing how even from a distance you can tell who a skater is from his own personal style. We’re all rolling around on boards with wheels, but everyone has their own flair.
Who is the kid blasting those backside airs?
Grant Taylor. Amazing skater! Always hauling ass!
Blue shirt ripper: Grant Talyor, son of Legendary Thomas Taylor.
Stratoshere is ATL’s core skateshop.
Awesome vid, thanks!
look like a bunch of cooks , i wish i knew them ,sick sick sick .
keep on the brutal attacks
I don’t understand why a ‘core shop from Atlanta has a bunch of big industry pros as their team?
because its good marketing to make video of someones skating and putting your name on it. i personally dont care at all and just appreciate the shredding.
Grant’s dad owns Stratosphere. Kid rips harder than anyone skating right now. style for miles.
frikken fantastic