Thrown under the bus
My friend Mike Timble wilsoned his skateboard under a bus once, but this was the 80’s and he had an Uncle Wiggley argyle deck with an epoxy layer in it. It bent to the ground and popped right up, no worse for the wear. Such was not the case for Rod Evans. Max Headroom had an entry to win a weirdo and now we have pictures to go with the story.
Aw,those bare bearings look,well,awful;the sad remains of a freak bus accident.
Does this mean I have to produce pictures to back up my Weirdo story? They do exist, by the way…
Let’s see them!
that happened to a friend of mine over the summer. bus the long way on it. both trucks though the top. snapped in have. bearings through the core of one of the wheels. and one of his indy’s broke in 5 places. baseplate into 2 pieces, hanger into 3.
I hit a crack in the sidewalk, my board shot out into the highway. 5 cars hit it, the last being a Camaro. Half of my board flew up and stuck to his suspension, aftermaking a tremendous loud bang. Onle lone truck was left in the road, which I scooped up and hid in my sweatshirt. The bitchin’ camaro wasn’t too happy about my skateboard shocker. Skate long enough and it’s bound to happen.
Yeah I guess it happens to everybody after so many years skateboarding. The thing with this bus was that I actually faced that sucka, head on, and jumped out of the way. It came within inches of smacking me. I’m gonna hang that board up on my wall one of these days..
One time I was skating along a busy street and I hit a crack in the sidewalk. Board goes shooting into the street. I sit there hoping the cars won’t hit it when I notice something terrible. A truck actually swerves TO hit my board! The bastard! My board ends of getting hit 4 or 5 times. I get the board and one truck is bent and there is crack running 6 layers deep on one side and two layers on the other. I ride my board to the skateshop (it’s wobbling due to the bent truck. I get there and ask to use a unit so I can take my ruined truck off. He sees it and asks what happened and I tell him. He tells me that another just came in with a broken tensor so he threw the set in the trash. The shop guy pulls the good tensor out and gives it to me. I rode that board for a couple of months longer with on industrial and one tensor. It ended up going into the street again and finally snapping. The kicker: it didn’t break where the old crack was. Complete opposite end of the deck.
My old Ken Park deck got ran over by a car in 1989 or so. Thing was fine. Either it was great wood or the car was a Kia.
^ That was back when almost all the decks were made is the USA! Unlike those shitty Chinese popsicle sticks that they sell now.