They’re gonna need a book
If the current crop of serious artists who also happen to be skaters continues grow, the art historians are going to have to invent a new term for this type of art. Is there a term for postmodern examination of a specific act and the related, revered artifact, shared by one large tribe? (Feel free to call it Kilwagism, if you need to.) Cynthia Connolly is curating a show called Skateboard Side Effects at a place called Artisphere in Alringtopn Virginia. The image above is Richard Vosseller’s ‘Physical Manipulations of Structural Surfaces – A Homage to Skating.’ A videotape of a closed session is on display in the gallery. No word on what else is there, but admission is free. If any of our East Coast readers attend, give us an update.
UPDATE: Pictures up on Born Ugly. Art by Tim Bearse, Rick Charnoski and Coan Buddy Nichols, Sean Greene, Richard Vossler, Lia Halloran, Ben Ashworth, and Mickael B. And yes, that ramp structure is actually skateable.
UPDATE 2: Added video of the art being (gasp!) skated.
[Photo: Jay Westcott]
– Thanks to Kelly Robertson for the tip.
Looks like ginger peels.
new term for this kind of art.
Hey, SKart is already taken
really? what’s it like hating fun? i bet you suck at life.
That’s nothing you should see the disassembled wood bowl sitting in a field outside of Missoula. Deconstructionism at its most depraved.
yea I saw that too when we visit 52skate(which was closed)
Its a whole lotta work just sitting there
PSA: If you are making a large scale skate related sculpture and don’t want to be a douche bag; make it skateable.
I agree. That middle piece looks semi-skateable. I don’t know, that one piece looks like it could be fun and weird.
yea It should defenetively be skatable to be full legit
bet i could pull a rocker on that p.o.s.
He look, I added video of the art being skated!
Not even a noseblunt at the top?
Nice! At least it’s being skated. Now cut off an ear and get back to the drawing board.
Damn! I’m not a troll, honest. Better to stfu or make something myself.
yeah… the video is pretty painful. a bunch of stuff actually got done on a few of the pieces and yet only one or two real makes are in the video. oh well.