Skate Statue or…
My old friend Evil Tom sent me this link which he subtitled “Why adults should not portray teenagers in their art.”
“Fledgling” – All of us feel, or have felt, the awful and wonderful growth of this pre-teen skateboarder. Small wings on his back, he wants to fly yet is not ready to soar. Is he slouching to defy, to define himself, or to bear the weight of wings getting larger every day? Installed in downtown La Crosse, Wisconsin, this life size standing bronze figure reminds us young citizens need community support.
Well, at least his heart is in the right place, although I’m worried about his heart on. I’m bummed out at our Wisconsin readers. This tip came from a guy living in Michigan!
I grew up in this town and got chased by the cops nonstop. Once with guns drawn as I ran from them bitches. They had such a hard on for skateboarders and then they put up a statue like this almost made me puke. It’s been there for years.
Nice;the ‘enlarged’ picture is smaller than in the original post.
Iguess the wings are on there because the city wants skaters to be angels in the sky,in other words:dead as hell?
Don’t they play Lacrosse in La Crosse?
someone needs to clip that statues wings. Hacksaw!
This reminds me of a christmas present you would most likley get from your grandma
You can bet the local cops aren’t buying this shit.
I actually saw a town sanctioned sign at the prefab skatepark in Whitehall, MT that said, “Our kids aren’t angels, please don’t make them into angels.”
I hate angel references as much as the next guy, but this one is actually clever, i.e. we realize our kids can be pretty wild, let them be wild, kids have that right. Also, don’t kill them.
Is there a skatepark to go with it?
he should have a tail…