New Old New Old Stock
There are re-issues, and there are, well I’m not sure what to call this. First up, there was the Tony Hawk board with fake scuffs printed as part of the graphic. And not too long ago someone (Antihero?) released board graphics with fake rails on the botom of the deck. This Hosoi hammerhead reissue mates a photograph of one of Christian’ old boards with the bottom of some brand spanking new Canadian maple. I’ve heard mixed reviews about the concept but I like it. When I first saw it in an email from Big Block, I thought it was just an illustration to compare the reissue to. Strange thing is, it’s not on the Hosoi web site. Stranger still, it’s here on S&A.
that’s stupid, like buying a new pair of pant with holes in em.
No it’s not stupid,it’s just another print.Nice work!
Are the rails part of the graphic? Looks pretty 3-D to me.
Only minor shame is those four truck holes in different places.
How campy that pros actually used to ride boards until they reach this mangled condition. Either the shape of the board represented in the graphics is a little different from the physical deck shape or this deck saw some heavy hits. When was the last time a pro showed up to a session with a goober stained board and razor tail?
the better question is when was the last time a top pro got $200.00 for winning a major contest?
That’s about what SPoT pays out for the now defunct pro vert contest.
Nice idea.
Not easy to use on a website (even as a comparison for Neil and his eBay watch) as we ‘re all fooled by the 2-D picture.
A new trick ?
Weird. Just plain weird. They should make one that looks like it has been focused.
People at the skatepark would think you are a deity, and start a skate religion around the skater who rode a broken deck.
So, this is a heat transfer graphic of an old beat up deck on a new plank? Wow.
I am confused. Is it genius or plain stupid? Hmmmmm…
Heat transfer of an old deck applied to a deck of the same size and shape. Rails are part of the graphic.
Sick. Too bad the the shape of the xfer didn’t match up perfectly with the deck.
Toy Machine has been doing this forever, and NHS made a sweet grinded truck graphic a while ago too.
I’m wondering how exactly Toy Machine has been making christian hosoi repro decks forever? They might have made one with some screened on fake rails and plastics, but that’s not like this at all. This is a repro of the very first hammerhead: the board that Christian won the Del Mar contest on in 1985. That’s the attraction of this deck, not the stupid screened on rails.
Alright,I didn’t know that about the Del Mar stuff.That adds a nice touch.
Still love this rather primitive version though…
Yes, Toy Machine has been making these since 1968. Glad you are here to clarify things. Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus
I think it is rad, although now frat boys can push around a board and say “yeah babe, of course I skate, phhhh!? look at all these hecka sweet slide marks, now get outta my way sweetie im on a mission for a Dutch Brother double crappa mocha, yeeeyyow!”
hosoi rarely updates the products on his website. the hammerhead is a monster plank!
The last time $200 for a pro contest – ever hear of a grass roots purse?
I think it’s very cool as a collectors item. It’s a snapshot from the past.
i love the way the graphic doesnt fit the board.
An interesting idea, a part of me thinks is psuedo as f**k and another thinks it’a a nice slice of history. Agree with a comment above abotu the print not fitting the deck, surely that could have been fixed?
Looks like the print will fit the deck before too long if you USE it. (Course then it might get unoriginal scuff marks on the print….)