D.P. Emergency
This Auction and all the auctions on this Ebay account are to raise Money to Pay off Duane Peter’s Recent Hospital Bills. Last month Duane Peters AKA “The Master of Disaster” took a Bad Slam on his left knee resulting in an infection so Bad that they wanted to Amputate it at the Knee. After many Prayers, Miracles and Several Hundred Thousand Dollars later his leg is Healing Up Great and he will be back Ripping at a Park or Pool near you Soon! So please Throw Money at this Auction “Like a Drunk Sailor” and own a piece of Skateboard History and The Honor and Pride that comes with helping one of Skateboarding’s Great to get back on his feet again and Keep the Dream Alive!
Gey your D.P. memorabilia on eBay, an when you’re done check out DuanePeters.net.
– Thanks to Egbert for the tip.
Hope he’s all better, but I thought you yanks finally got some Obamacare to pay for that sort of thing?
Glad he didn’t have to lose his leg. Imagine how kick ass it would be if we had public health care.
Check out the photos of his leg! Gnarly as hell. http://cgi.ebay.com/DUANE-PETERS-PERSONAL-CHRISTIAN-HOSOI-SKATEBOARD-/190458282533?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item2c5832c225
some bad ass pics, get well soon.we are lucky in canada , i broke my leg at the combi and when i got back home walked into the hospital .
they x rayed me one week later i had 7 screws and a plate of steel in my ankle. no charge.
hey Duane…Quit smoking cigarettes
Keep the dream alive? What is this the Final Four? And wait, there’s a humming bird feeder in his backyard. What’s goin’ on here? It’s like it indicates a consciousness for things beyond punk rock, tatts, and shredding! Duuuane? It’s like he’s trying to teach us something by all this. Listen up, y’all, it’s Duane talkin’. Maybe his message is that whether you ride Trackers or Indys all of humanity bleeds the same. I gotta point out that some of them humans can’t turn very good. But whatever. Hey, we’re all brothers and sisters of the human race, right? Sessioning the same planet, if you will. Equally vulnerable to misfortune, but equally capable showing empathy, even love for one another. Just look at that picture of the little old lady who rolled down Duane’s argyle knee-highs to dress his open wounds. Profound and beautiful! A parable for out times. Get well soon, brotha! I can’t wait to see your new scars!
I guess I respect DP for his contribution to skateboarding back in the day but he has really turned into a scumbag. I get it, he’s punk rock. He can do a layback grind while smoking a cigarette & drinking whiskey. Cool.
Sucks for his leg but maybe he he should start taking better care of himself.
You bore me to no end…Duane is a badass skater. That’s it, period. He brings something interesting into the scene. Always has. One of a kind. Ripper!
yo mezmer, cheer the fuck up.
“Sucks for his leg but maybe he should start taking better care of himself” That statement says more about you than you realise. it stinks.
i hope your tranclucent self righteousness provides you with the kicks you need in life. because from where im sitting it looks worthless.
go do a layback while smoking a bottle of scumbag. you might like it.
Glad someone had it in his kilt (ha ha!) to put this Mezmer in his place! Let me repeat, DUANE TOOK CARE OF US. Do I have to count the ways he did this? No I don’t! With haters like this Mezmer on the streets I guess its just dudes like Septik Kilt and me (and D.P. when he’s back on his feet) against the world. Be that as it may, I say! And as for this guy who “hates TV shows”, what else don’t you like? Washers and driers? I’ll tell you one invention I’m stoked on these days: the Wound Vac! It’s called progress, man. And Duane’s up there with all the other great inventors who bust their asses in the lab everyday to make life tolerable.
“DUANE TOOK CARE OF US. Do I have to count the ways he did this? No I don
He earned it by riding a fuckin skateboard! Everytime someone like duane steps on a skateboard it gives everyone inspiration to all it doesnt matter what your situation is get on your fuckin skateboard and shred! And dont do it for anyone else because life sucks if you live to make everybody else happy we all have diffrent ways of dealing with shit and just because yours may not have included drugs and alcohol doesnt mean it was the right way.
The last time I saw him skate Duane was still amazing. He does stuff you don’t see anyone else do. I don’t know the guy but I do admire his skateboarding and his music. Why wouldn’t you help out a fellow skater if you can?
You act like you’re surprised that anyone is giving you any shit on your little comment. Really? You get on a website and make a negative comment about a guy that is a legend in skateboarding. A guy that you know many people on this site probably respect. You’re just a pot stirrer. You knew what you were doing when you made your pissy little comment. Just shut up. You’ve got nothing worthwhile to say? Say nothing!
Wow, Mezmer.
Did Duane spit on your skateboard when you were a little kid?
dont get me started on “i hate tv”
dude bring it…cigarettes are the worst thing for you. pot has less toxic properties than cigarettes. cigarettes kill you and age you beyond your years. I will out drink you any day of the week and I’ve partied so hard many have actually died keeping up w/ me. duane is an awesome skater.
Maybe i quit tv and Septik Tank should go skate together?
‘Until’ does not have two L’s, moron.
Haha! It took me awhile to get this one. Good job.
………..found it! Ha ha,yes that’s gooood.
That’s right, you dumbass, it has one and a half.
i hate tv
maybe the drink affected your brain.
try to find a proper vent for those inconsequential stirrings that take place in there.
why the hell would anyone care about your drink problem, your pride at having dead freinds or your opinions regarding smoking.
punk can make something out of nothing.
you appear to be adept at making nothing out of something.
you might find more friends elsewhere on the internet. i dunno. with your arrogance your comprimising your dignity here and you dont even know it. its uncomfortable in an embarrased for you kind of way.
do you skate?
oh dear…………. mezmer… you asked.
Duane Peters took care of me because i love to skateboard. in order to do this i need to interact with people who are involved in skateboarding. this has been helped by anyone like duane who carves out his own path and isnt shoe-horned into the typical modern marketing profile. i cant reconcile skateboarding with conformity or sanitisation. you can go buy a 10″ pool deck, a slalom deck or a cruiser with DPs name on it. i respect this enormously in a time that is dominated by popsicle decks that dont seem fun or progressive to me. these modern popsicle set ups mainly arent a)really fast b) super carvy c)good for doing fat ass grinds d)capable of riding harsh terrain etc etc. you know, the good shit
in my worthless opinion, Duane Peters keeps the fire lit while a lot of freaks are pissing on it. thats all.
Story Straight.. DP killed himself giving 100% on Mike V Gloryhound tour for peanuts.. Yep, gave 110%!!!
Maybe Mike V should step up and hook some type payback fundraiser dealio. Just an idea..
skate true
destroy resistence
Well, Duane has his worthless side (and who doesn’t… some’s are just bigger than other’s), but he has some good songs and some good moves, and he’s stayed true to the thing we do… which is more than can be said for the commitments of Jason Lee and – not to put Jason in the same boat or anything – Bam Margera. And even a FEW fine songs trumps the hell out of Bam’s contributions to society, yet Duane continues to answer the call (when he’s not falling apart). So he takes care of that. And he did once bail out a friend of mine and cook him breakfast, so he’s done at least one “more readily quantifiable” good deed. Young Ian of “at least I’m fucking trying…” fame mighta had a question for Mezmer…. (Though he wouldna been down with Duane’s cigs, either.)
man smoking and drinking nazis suck. like i want to punch them in the face suck. much less to throw that worthless garbage into this post about a legendary skater who fucked himself up skating and is now behind the eightball on cash and is trying to raise some money by selling stuff. Mezmer you are the fucking scumbag, and douche bag, and shit bag. please go die.