Skateboard wheel earrings from Maple
The recycled skateboard material arms race is heating up. People use them to make art, pens, wallets, stools, lamps, office dividers, shoes, and yes, jewelry. There isn’t much being done with used wheels. I believe someone is using manufacturing wheels with recycled post consumer urethane, I’ll have to hunt that down. In the meantime, here’s a video from Portland’s own Maple XO, featuring Lindsay Jo’s earrings made from recycled skateboard wheels.
Lovely idea,I hope the quality is good.
When I was a skating kid back in the day,I cut off a slice of my wheels (92A).
The slices got all crummy and fell apart after some tearing.
What is next? Recycled skateboard wheel cock rings?
I want one!
what is next? dumb blog comments? oh wait, the guy above me checked that one off the list.
the Toxic dude came up with some pretty cool pens made from old skates.
I used to have this stack of like 20-30 broken boards out on my patio, along with like i dont know how many empty beer bottles, my manager said they had to go one day, so i recycled the beer, but didnt know what to do wit them broke boards.. real sheit though, first 360flip crossfoot landing i landed was perfect, but same day i focused the board landing in the sweet spot, but then landed another wit only the grip tape basically holding the board together.. only two i ever landed..