Rion Linderman got married?
He also got 4th place overall in the Trifecta. I was going to say Rion is a good kid, but I guess he really hasn’t been a kid for a while. Congrats Rion! Why do I care about Rion? He is/was a good kid. we used to sponsor him, and he rips. Sorry about the McTwist picture man. it’s the easy go to pic. You could have been a king in the 80’s. He does more than McTwists. He also remains the youngest skater to complete the loop at Reedsport, Oregon. He was 15 at the time. Here’s a recent video from his sponsor Addikt Skateboards. This is for the Roseburg homies.
Congratulations Linderman! (When’s the baby due?)
Uuh…Smokey and the Miracles?
dude rips hard. dude rips so damn hard that he will kill a session at peir in the big bowl by HIMSELF with no photo goons around. Congrats on getting married.
congrasts Rion, awesome stale mctwist there too
El Polo Loco!
SICk!!! What park is that, where he’s doing the Mctwist’s???
The new addition at Windells.
It is amazing. Its like Disney land for skateboarders. There is so much stuff there to skate. Those guys did a great job.
I will miss skating with old Linderman. Oregons FABIO of skating. Congrats.
I remember him from Reedsport and Florence back when he was 15! Good guy and great skater!
stale mctwist padless on concrete! super gnar!