Not really a miracle
Somebody was questioning the usage of a Smokey Robinson and the Miracles tune for Rion Linderman’s recent video, but it made perfect sense. It was “My Girl” and Rion had just gotten married. Our Dutch office ( Thanks Matthijs ) turned up a picture of Smokey Robinson on an actual skateboard. It’s the cover of Going to a Go-Go, and it dates back to 1965. I can’t find a vinyl copy of this anywhere for less than $38 bucks, but it looks like it’s been released in an expanded edition on CD. Somewhere out there is a garage sale with this record and my name on it.
[Source: Flickr]
Dunno what you mean exactly but I was just playing the ‘Guess the song’ -game,like I aklways do.Fine song and a great Linderman vid.!
Check the record shop next to the Eastside deli on Hawthorne. They might have it for cheap. Smokey is a buttboarding legend!