Go skate a sidewalk
Mother nature wants you to skate launch ramps. Don’t ask me where it is, because it’s within a five block radius of my house.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on September 15th, 2010
Categories: Found Terrain, Skate, Spot Check
Tags: Street
Mother nature wants you to skate launch ramps. Don’t ask me where it is, because it’s within a five block radius of my house.
don’t worry,downtown Vancouver is rife with these.
I love summertime.
looks kinda Greshamy….
Why do say that? I don’t see see any 7/11’s or planes in the backround, nor needles/pipes in the gutter. Or a gacked-out hick in the yard…..
I felt like using Gresham as an adjective.
It looks like the “Lungotevere”, the path along the Tiber in Roma. Nice place !
a car jack and a few large rocks could make this kicker even better…
I was thinking about this the other day and it made think about going on a Johnny Appleseed type adventure and go around planting trees nest to sidewalks.