Bart Bling
I don’t know much about this possibly diamond encrusted Bart Simpson pedant found over at the DJ Mobeatz blog, except that it’s attached to a free download for a fabulous hip hop track by Gucci Mane. It’s so great I can’t stand to listen to it.
– Thanks to Chris Gannon for the tip.
If I didn’t know those were fake diamonds I’d swear this was some kiddie DIY stained glass kit or some variation on the latch hook kits. This is where bling and home crafting cross over. Maybe it’s no coincidence; the current Yarners’ Quartlerly has a good write up on Gucci Mane where they talk about how he totally pushes that cross over. One track on his latest cassingle is a take off of Ice T’s “Freedom of Speach”, called “Seasonal Wreaths (just watch what you say)”. So dope.
If he got caught wearing fake diamonds, his career would be over. They’re real, they’re just shitty sawdust from the nice ones.
What I think is funny about it is that a black hip hop artist is glorifying white America’s most successful franchise. I would like to discuss this photo over a few brandys if anyone is interested.
More ironic in that it toppled black America’s most successful franchise at the time, the Cosby Show.
hungry for those diamonds
served on little severed bloody brown hands
oh the bling drips
oh the bling drips down
I know The Simpsons has been around a long time, but since before kicked noses??
Hm,..I’d say The rise of the Simpsons happened together with kicknoses in ’88.
But has Bart been skating since the first year (on the Ulmann show)?
One of the first bits(on the Ulmann show version)was them setting up the board at the top of the stairs, for Homer’s demise. So,probably.