SOTW 8-9-10: Bonsor Nosepicker
This week’s shot of the week comes from repeat offender Dylan Davies. Here’s a shot of his friend Jeremie at Bonsor skatepark in Vancouver B.C.. I don’t know if that’s lens flare or a light leak in the lower left hand corner, but it looks great. Check out the Shot of the Week
Very cool, and what is the cause of that glowing?
Damn. That wall is no joke for that!
It’s lens flare. Light leaks are for hipsters.
Crazy lens flare. Come on, a light leak come by honestly is still a good thing. Wait, I think my iPhone has an app for that.
Really nIce shot Dylan. Thanks for letting me use it.
wake me up when the iphone has 1/250th of a second settings.
Cool photo – that park is fun
Love the light. Nice shot