Friday T&A on S&A: Inactive imagination
Screw these Feeder guys. First off, their name too close to legendary punk band the Feederz. Remember the album Ever Feel Like Killing Your Boss? It was black with sandpaper glued to the outside cover so it would deface any other albums you put it next to. OK, strike one, your band name is too close to another infamous band. Strike two, you choose to make an album cover with a picture that is already a direct copy of another album cover. The cover of Feeder’s album Renegades is Basilio SIlva photo that was obviously copied from the Dwarves. The Feeders made a video with a topless girl in a ski mask. As much as I can appreciate a topless girl (spring break!) I’m predisposed to hate this.
– Thanks to Matthijs for the tip.
now thats the kind of review i can get behind…
Lame rip off artists. The dwarves did it better.
I like that even the CD version of that Feederz album has what seems to be grip tape on it (though I must admit I peeled it off of that’n).
What he said……
TITS! yes! love them!
Didn’t care for the song, but watched the entire video anyway for some reason…
This is old news. I don’t care for Feeder at all but I would imagine in this day & age no one would be so stupid to think that you would get away with such an obvious copy. Surely this was done as an ‘homage’ of sorts. Still fookin lame though
To be fair, their song and video is not as bad as that Sick Puppies video you posted (as a protest) once. Which I only bring up cuz last week a radio chain-station here was actually having a contest to fly a listener to a Sick Puppies concert, and I was shocked to hear that anyone beyond Skate and Annoy was assumed to have heard of them mawkish goobs.
Hey, it’s gonna be ok.
WEIRD! I read this in the “Recent Comments” on the side thing. Plate. Shrimp. Plate of shrimp!
Oops. I should have said; “I read this in the
Is Taylor going to be our next Friday T&A?
I personally love feeder. and you can put them down all you like. they are still Amazing.
So amazing that they couldn’t come up with an original idea for a band name or an album cover I guess.
Hey you should rerun old posts on your slow days.
Still crossed about this 18 months later?