No Upside Down Clip Art
Not much interesting about most no skateboarding signs, except in the case of this one from New Zealand, someone used some vert ramp clip art and turned the image upside down so the skateboard would be on the ground. The giveaway is the negative space where the coping should be. By the looks of the relative brightness of the red stripe, someone keeps adding these signs to their private collection.
– Thanks to Kiwi reader Campbell for the pics.
Do New Zealanders get annoyed being called Kiwi’s? I don’t mind being called a Yank, but it mostly just makes me feel pity for the person calling me that, since I don’t think anyone really uses that term actively. “That poor, out of touch dweeb” is what might come to mind. I suppose that might be happening to me every time I mention Flight of the Concords.
Right side up upside down.
Upside down right side up.
Dang me if it doesn’t look like shot of the week, reverse negative. Even the hand looks the same.
I can’t believe I said dang me.
I think they actually like it, at least versus being called “mellonettes”. That is not a flipped image, though, but rather, what they call a “fingerless bird” down under.
Most kiwis refer to themselves as such and seem to like it, I’ve only met one kiwi who claimed to be affronted by it but he was brown skinned and 6′ 4″ with ‘achtung’ crudely tattooed across his forehead so his nuances weren’t to be taken lightly.
Yank is a useful distinction from other Americans and in common use here as seppo is in Oz, which do you prefer?
I don’t care about being called a kiwi, but for the record I am actually an Aussie. I was in NZ on a work/holiday.
I think NZ sports persons are being called kiwi’s,in a positive way.
I think a “no frontside inverts” sign is offensive. It such a gnarly trick. I’d definitely steal it for my wall if I saw it…
Nice 20-year old turn-of the-decade deck!
As far as FOC being passe goes not really, I was close to tears a couple of times watching this last night… CHECK IT