Board Rescue fundraiser auction
Sorry for the late notice, this slipped by me while I was on the road. Hurry up and bid, there’s only a few days (?) left.
Board Rescue is holding an art auction to benefit its organization. 100% of the proceeds from the sale of this artwork go to Board Rescue. Board Rescue provides skateboards and safety equipment to organizations that work with underprivileged and or at-risk youth. Board Rescue is a 501(c)(3) not for profit Corporation. There are artwork/decks from Cab, Jason Adams, Jimbo, Bryce Kanights and many more.
See that birdhouse made out of skateboards that aren’t from Birdhouse? It was made by Judi Oyama’s husband. Aside from being bowlrider and past and present contender in Women’s slalom, Judi is on the board of Board Rescue. Check out the birdhouse after the jump.
More photos showing detail of some of the artwork pieces can be found here:
2 days left, remember this is for a great cause, bid now and bid often, good luck to all the bidders.
Uuugh, “Shipping to the USA only.”
Here we go again.