We’ve come a long way
Here’s an episode of the 1986 show Computer Chronicles featuring a suit from Electronic Arts talking about the latest, greatest in computer games, Skate or Die, available for the Commodore 64.
– Thanks to Stephen B for the tip.
Awesome find! I used to play that for hours on end as a kid.
…I used to skate for hours as a kid,get it.
But OK,not when it was raining.
Yeah, the winters in Michigan were brutal. This was way before any indoor skateparks were opened in the area where I grew up. Computer games filled that void. Fuck the snow.
I love the segment at the end. A single cd-rom encyclopedia (60MB!) for a mere $300. Takes me back to telnet days.
Man, I was just playing the sequel to this on my NES a few days ago – Love that EA were the developers.
Damn,I used to watch that show as a kid. I have a near
mint copy of that game sittin’ on top of my computer at
Dude’s comb over came a loooong way across his head.