My dog ate my post
I don’t have anything else for you today. Yesterday the sewer pipe backed up into my basement. Fun!!!!!!! So I spent last night cleaning up fecal matter instead of writing posts. I just happened to have the Factory Made in can and ready to go. I’m pretty sure that the people who sent these items in to Skate and Annoy didn’t envision poop in their viral marketing plans. I got the special edition of the Bones Brigade Video Show, complete with a bitching magic motion lenticular print on the cover and some swag in the form of a nice Cab shirt and some stickers. My first real board was a red Cabellero of the 1984 vintage. Thanks to Skate One. Also in the mailbox, some funky looking PiiQ headphones from Sony. They’ve got another pair of Qlasp headphones for one of our readers. Leave a comment on this post and I’ll pick one at random to win them, shipped directly from the marketing agency, which means you won’t have to wait an obscene amount of time to get them.
oooooooooooh comment.
I like headphones.
Bummer on the sewer! Be sure to apply liberal amounts of bleach to everything. I was doing the same chore last year at this time with my mother-in-law while several able bodied in-laws watched us and offered comments. I always wondered if dumping epoxy down the basement drain would prevent the problem.
Thats’s shitty
i am commenting in regards to your poost.
theose are trippy headphones
They need to make headphones with better cords. I seem to rip the cord out of the buds with every pair I own. Maybe these are better?
Sorry about the basement Randy…same thing happened to me last year and I didn’t get it cleaned up for weeks.
The smell of sewage did mask the decomposition of the dead bodies I buried under the house so it turned out to be a mixed blessing-Praise Jah!
Powell Rules.
It’s not that easy…
At least you don’t have to go grocery shopping this week with all the free, delicious, mouth watering poop.
My ears are cold
they need the warm thump of something…
avogadro’s number!!!!!!!!!!!!
Having been through 2 basement floods (though *mostly* rain water), I know that really really really sucks. Good luck with the clean up.
Hey man,that sucks.Go take care of your house first.You’ve posted a lot of stuff the past few days and it’s great stuff.
Get well!
Ooofh,I don’t know if that even was correct english (excuse me).My intentions are good.
I skate without headphones,thank you.
It will take some time to air that basement :).
Cleaning poop is about the worst job ever; my condolences. I just carpeted my basement (because my wife wouldn’t let me build a mini ramp down there instead).
Dude that is Sh*tty about your basement. I have been in your shoes before and I know they stink after you get everything cleaned up.
Headphones needed!
Weirdo runner-up checking in! S&A contests are fun.
yuck. sucks to be you.
i just hope it’s just you and yr families poop and not the whole the neighborhoods poop, corner store poop or truck stop poop and if it is just family poop i hope you don’t find any rubbers that you didn’t use. if it’s truck stop poop i hope you don’t find any that you did.
sucks to hear that your basement is filled with poop…:( oh and this another weirdo runner-up popping in as well