Sponsor Luv: Merde Skateboards
Welcoming Merde Skateboards to the list of beloved sponsors with this video called Uber.
It’s a video. It’s a winter time video that started back in August ’09. Everyone’s skating, except for Tyler since we didn’t have any footage because Carlos taped over his stuff. Oh, well. It has Stevie Wonder. He’s singing a remake of a Beattle’s song. I never really got into the Beattles a whole lot. They’re good, but Stevie is rad. He’s from Michigan. Rensberry is from Michigan. They never called Stevie “Doctor Fantastic”, but they did call him “Little Stevie”. He got on Motown when he was like 12. That’s like getting on Girl when your 15…good luck. Stevie Wonder is the best. PERIOD.
Nice work, Mike. Not as good as Grover’s latest installment but getting there.
I never heard that version from Stevie before!I think he makes the song better,lifts it up.Or he americanises it (decide for yourself if that’s a good thing.Still the Beatles (one T) wrote the song so let’s not rule them out completely.On the other hand,my favorite Beatles period is with the Little Richard covers.
Good video,
Merde means ‘(god)damned’ in french and
Uber means ‘over’ in german.
merde translates to “Shit”
es mierda en espanol
And chichi means tits. I know this because because our local pirate station was called chichi mierda radio.
Se. O cagada, caca, y mi favorito; “chorro”!
..y Italiano: “merda”
I got kicked off the team. I tell people its because I wouldn’t switch flip a 20.
That song is the bomb, love it