SOTW 5-24-10: Sicily
This week’s Shot of the Week is from Helmut at Surfside-Boardshop in Palermo, Italy. His friend Alessandro wrote:
In Sicily the guys have discovered a huge estate seized to an arrested mafia boss, the fact is that this estate has got something in between a ditch and a pool, and they step in there to skate it, i find this very rad, the action is not out of danger, it could actually always come some affiliates to get them under stress, or maybe no, this nobody knows, the cool thing is that the place is quite hidden so is not easy to find…
It’s vaguely reminiscent of the Tea Bowls. Check out the Shot of the Week then see some extras after the jump.
It’s great how those Cheetah Chrome MFers sound kind of like derelicts in English, even in writing. I’ve got a Brazilian surf/skate friend with a respectable engineering job whose one grandad was Italian, and even HE comes off sounding like a derelict on the phone, though not in person. And a “born in the boot” friend who doesn’t hardly skate, but whose young son is a ripper, always sounds more derelict than the skaters around here, even though they’re the aspiring derelicts.
Derelict, is that a clothing line?
He does like to say ‘derelict’ a lot…
What, you don’t have two fingers?
gotta quote.. “i find this very rad. the action is not out of danger…”. salud!
Shit… I’ll be in Sicily in July. I had no plans to take a skateboard but now… mmm…
Welsh Pete, I went a couple of years ago. Take the Auto Strata from Catania to Enna. You will see perfect transitioned drainage ditches, one side being probably about a 5′ w/ a foot of vert along many miles of the road. I wished I had my board. Looked like good concrete too.
Thanks Roszco!
Every time I try to get out it pulls me back in.
I am Italian, North, and went to see friends and skate this spot, in the days when it was discovered, and while still cleaned.
This is a clip with another couple of spots Palermitans
Two more clips ever filmed by me last year, also in Palermo.
To happen that way, the spot with marble benches,is the Politeama Theatre, downtown Palermo.
Kisses kisses (as they do in Palermo)