Bieber Fieber
Almost, but not entirely like the episode of the Simpsons where Homer gives Marge a bowling ball with his name on it. At least this Justin Bieber themed Mother’s Day gift came with the receipt. Give it up for Hot topic. Boo Ya! Oh snap. Don’t go there.
great. the goofy kid making goofy skaters look goofy.
where can i buy one, too funny, seriously, where?
I want this so bad.
My wife (can’t have her) or the shirt? Hot Topic at the mall. Poor Justin is lucky if he gets a dollar from each shirt sold.
I’ll have to wait for a kid to sell it to buffalo exchange, or maybe marshals will have it once it fails to sell.
I just don’t think I’m cool enough to go into hot topic. The cool kids make fun of me and I get real sad.
*a single tear*
Cool boobs!