He’s got Sole Skate, it’s super bad.
Well now. Isn’t this special? The Sole Skate is a brand new product with a slick new commercial. It’s almost as if there is some money behind the product. Who could that manufacturer be? Why none other than the same folks that brought us the Razor Scooter. Awesome videos after the jump. If you can believe it, one of the professionals actually kickflips one of these things. Aside from just mangling the traditional form of a skateboard, I give these guys credit for coming up with a braking mechanism that engages once your weight is no longer on the board. If you are going to ride an inferior copy of a skateboard, you don’t want it shark biting anyone in the ankles when you fall off it.
– Thanks to John Aguilar for the tip.
Stunts Performed by professionals.
Which is kind of funny that there are “professionals” for a brand new product. Especially considering the riding guide makes a point of telling you that the people on TV and in real life performing tricks on Sole Skates are people who have been practicing for a “very long time.”
Official Sole Skate™ Ride Guide
They managed to empty the skatepark for this video. Where the heck are all the regular patrons? What park is this? Stick around until the narrator starts talking about “pedaling.”
Yo, dawg. What up?
It’s Charlie’s Angels!
wanna know the worst part? these shitheads are gonna rake in a boatload of cash.
actually Paul you might be wrong on this one. I’m going to bet they don’t make a dime. They Razor guys probably have an investment group that will listen to them more closely because of the success of Razor
I think that’s Monrovia Skatepark(?)
colin, i hope i’m wrong….
My god,another bogus product.Looks like a pre-WWII design,with the fenders.Nothing new here.
“Good ride but I want to improve the thing,make it longer,better material,maybe wood and four wheels please.”…Hmm,let me think…
That instruction guy the Sole Buyer then?(huh-huh)
I like that they don’t discriminate against old people; it looks equally useless for street AND transition skating. Still not as bad as Razor’s other product, though.
pure junk,i can just imagine the “industry” behind there product , building parks especially for this with a no skateboards allowed sign posted on the entrance.
step 4 carving he almost fell of going down the bank , too funny
Without a doubt its the monrovia(CA not Africa)skatepark.
They didn’t empty the park Randy, its tiny and usually empty.
i wanna see someone bomb a fat fucking hill
looks like it will be available from ALL the mainstream commercial outlets. At 50 bucks it will make its way into a lot of birthday parties as gifts. Looks like most any kid could probably get in the way after only riding it a short time.
I’ll bet the R&D guys at Slingz are putting in overtime on this one.
why do they even bother with them pale imitations…in the end there are only 3 sports, skating, bmxing and unfortunately rollerblading….all others have failled…(hopefully rollerblading will too eventually)
You mean only three concrete sports…
Scooters actually seem to be making a come back. A friend of mine who is a long time skater recently started riding scooters, much to my confusion. I asked him to let me ride it expected it to rattle like the cheap razor scooter I had when I was younger. I was astonished when I rode it and found it to be quite solid. I asked him about it and apparently there have been some independent scooter companies popping up making some quality parts. Go fucking figure.
ick. I feel a little sick after watching the riding guide.
On the positive side of things, i really think this kind of thing is good for skateboarding. kids get suckered into trying this thing and then realize a skateboarding is much more fun
Maybe,let’s hope so.
Or put one on each foot,a couple of ski poles…
with that brake thing you can’t push mongo – with the mongo kids market unavailable, who is gonna buy one?
Chad wins. Laughing my ass off over here.
only idiots mongo anyway
sole skate, what a perfect name cause you’ll be the only one out there riding one and the only one being ogled and mocked
Why the fuck are they even wearing helmets?
Bailing doesn’t look too hard unless you only have one leg. and no arms. and your one leg was cemented to it while you bombing a hill. I mean, a helmet wont keep you from dying of embarrassment.
I saw a shelf of these at Target today for the first time right next to the other “extreme” sport stuff.
send in a phone cam snap so we can show them “in the wild.”
Man you could put one on each foot and then
If you push mongo then how do you ride it? doh!
lol, no mongo, that makes them unusable by the average college kid
Can’t wait till it is available with a handle bar. That will be radical!
I saw this at a skatepark yesterday. The kid was balancing on one foot, floating around, getting in the way. Plate, shrimp, plate of shrimp?
You do a lot of acid, Miller? Back in the 60’s?
I saw some guy carrying one on a bike path the other day. Guess it wasn’t as fun as he’d expected.
The guy was just trying to look cool. Poseur!
I wouldn’t even acknowledge this POS but really…
Does this look like a natural way to stand on a fast moving object? Looks like a ballerina pose and danger.
Notice the rider in the video never drops in anywhere? That’s because it’s got to be near impossible with the ballerina pose and size of the thing. Danger.
What happens if you shift your foot off the stopping button release thing and it stops? You fly off, crash into a skateboarder, tear their ACL and ruin their fun for the rest of their life.
if u take ur foot off the brake it does pretty much nothing just barely slows u down.
ur supposed to step off smart one
Thats a crazy commercial. It just looks so wrong
It is not like the big deal but a tiny effin rock will trow you as far as you can go. At the first three minutes i got shooted away an i hit really hard on my hip hands and elbows. I got a nasty scrape that is now infected and wont let me move my arm 360. The feeling is good but the falls are nasty as hell.
you just have horrible balance, whenever i get thrown off i never fall down to the ground.
so you rode one of those atrocities and you got a boo-boo?
sounds to me like you got exactly what you deserved.
idiots look so stupid riding it
I bought one of these and its way better than a regular skateboard, but it is harder to do tricks on. I dont no wat u retards are talking about its great.
Nice James Brown reference.Didn’t get it at first.
I bought it and it is pretty good, you guys don’t know what you are talking about, it is easier than most skateboards but you can lose control by the way it can wobble.
I have a soleskate and it is the best ride i evr had.
It’s nice that they let mental patients have access to the internet.
Well,they let people like you have access to the internet…same difference
Scoot and Destroy!
yo im thanking about geting one should i or sholdnt i
depends, why do you want it
just for fun, something to play with and don’t mind being different go for it
to be a skater and do a bunch of tricks, your better off with a skate board
a mode a transportation around a collage campus, depends on your load, I don’t recommend using the sole-skate if your carrying a large side bag with a computer and a bunch of books in it.
I have one, I like it though I do believe the design does needs some improvements (plate be a little bit higher of the ground, change the braking method ‘though it is nice while learning it gets in the way while trying different things)
I went to the skate park with it the other day and to my surprise the skateboards not only tried it but helped me improve how I balance on it.
It has also increased my increased in real skateboarding
In short its fun to ride around campus between campus and I can hang it from my bag or belt so it isn’t awkward to carry with me while walking
I live really far away from my bus stop so I will probably get one of these things so I could stick it in my backpack instead of ditching my scooter in the bushes.
I see one positive here. It looks impossible to push mongo on it.
i totally agree with chad. I ride mongo and this thing would be crazy hard to ride.
Then think of it as leg braces or training shoes for curing mongo!
My lil sis has one of these and to my surprise it was alright. But I’d still rather have a real board with a deck and trucks and everything than this.
I have one of these, modded with the “stopper” taken off & it rips down hills, usually is a smooth ride & is pretty convenient.
I’m no goon, at 27 I’ve had sufficient skateboard/blading/quad experience & the Sole=Skate is a decent little buy for $40. I’ve had many a enjoyable late night ride with it & will continue as long as it holds up.
*Sole-Skate ffs
I have this,it’s not bad to just ride around, and I like the size. I was surprised it actually goes over some small pebbles and twigs without throwing you off and can go over small bumps if your not going too fast.It’s good for transportation, but otherwise a regular skateboard is better.
Give me a break, pal. That thing is useful only as a prop for a drunken lark, and even then, it’s the sole province of a frat boy.
I work at a mall that requires us to park in the structure as opposed to out front. The store i work at is on the complete other side of the mall. Its good just for getting around or going to the 7-11. All in all, worth the 10 bucks on Amazon.
Sup guys. I’m 36 and was shopping with the kids when I saw one in toy r us. Yeah yeah I know, but it was only
I dont want to offend anybody but is the soleskate sort of the same as a skateboard, I was given one and can ride it and I was thinking of upgrading to a skateboard. Do you think I’ll have an easier time adjusting to a skate board since I can ride a soleskate?