Maybe you can get Photo incentive money out of this.
A local skatepark benefactor sent this in:
They loved this at the emergency room. Sixty-one year old guy riding an Advil skateboard breaks his arm at the skatepark. If it didn’t hurt so much it would be funny.
Check out the sweet $25,000 hardware he picked up. Fortunately, his insurance took care of it.
Lunch hour skating at Hillsboro skate park. Unanticipated route adjustment. (I’m not saying some teenager cut me off, but these things happen.) Arm got caught between my helmet and the concrete. Fractured upper humerus into seven pieces. Three and a half hours in surgery.
The “Team Advil” thing has been a running joke with the old guys for several years. Guess the joke was on me.
Ouch! what’d those hack surgeons do to you? janky bracket screwed in all crooked? time to build a bionic arm…
…and the fractured bone is the Humerus!
p.s. the screws aren’t really “janky”, its an artifact of taking a radiograph of a 3 dimensional object.
you have to be careful when dealing with the insurance companies dealing with shit like this. If you tell them you did it skateboarding they MIGHT not cover it because it might be considered a “hazardous activity” and therefor not covered. Tell them you tripped on the sidewalk.
similar to taking advil on an empty stomach this photo also makes me feel like vomiting. sorry to see this, must have hurt like shit. best of luck.
Also, If they find out you got “cut off” they might go after the kid who did it, for the cost of your injury.
I met a guy at LC who had that happen.
houseofneil i asked my insurance about that, and it is not considered hazardous, like skydiving. but never the less , my friend cut himself in n.c. and needed stiches. he said he did it on his bike. they where like how again? he lied just so the statistics on sk8ting injury would not go up.like i told the kids a the sk8park if you get hurt boarding say it was in a parking lot. so they will build more parks , safer.
oh yeh he rides indy’s.
you know he’s tough
Maybe I should take this down in case the bookies, er
want to be skater!! Look!!!!
I say dude got what he wished for with his graphic choice.
there are many ways to live your life. I own my home outright. since mommy and daddy quit paying the bills I have broken 3 bones. I just go to the hospital and ignore the bill. the bill quits comming. and yea the nurses think you are hot in your 30’s WITHOUT insurance! but this can also be a curse, I’d rather be casted by someone not crushed out on me.
So uncle Sammy pays the bills now?
I say “Team Advil” dude has a sense of humor and Curtis does not. Anyone over 20 who skates is on the Advil or aspirin at some point. Curtis, I think the one wishing is you…that the nurses find your uninsured self hot. HA HA! Anyway…OUCH!
i prefer team vicodin myself…
how old is the guy actually?? Not really sixty-one I don’t think… and i’m with sk8r grrrl, i think the advil team is funny
I broke my elbow at the Renton skatepark rolling into the big bowl, some kid shot is board out at me after I ‘d already committed. T-boned his board about a foot from the top, nothing I could do but slam to the flat!
I do think it’s funny. I just know that in my life I often bring whatever comes to myself. I am not trying to dis this guy. he knows the risks involved and he was “wearing it on his sleeve” shit happens. the way I am talking I know it’s a good day to avoid my board.
yea maybe I am a leech for not paying my medical bills. but seriously they charged me $150 for a nurse to put a clavical strap on. it took 30 seconds to put on $2. worth of fabric. $100. for one shot of some narcotic. maybe all this will change with new heathcare, untill then most of the medical industry seems like a scam to me. all hospitals have some carities they work with. I can go to “the office” and get my bills coverd, but save it for some one who really needs it.
Kids can be absolute space monkeys sometimes. I once had a 14 yr old (who was a damn good skater even)literally drop in ON ME on the first wall of a “U”… and he had even been facing out of the “U”, straight toward me, when he was standing on the deck. And there’s no way it was a snake job, because the fronts of our boards collided at 90 degrees, and he couldn’t possibly have been certain that I would break his fall nicely, whereas the concrete corner would break mine quite harshly. His dad happened to show up to pick him up right after, and the NOT-little kid even went so far as to say “…Sorry to hit and run!” (Which I could not help but find less annoying than trying to excuse the inexcusable would have been… though I sure doubt I would have seen the humor had my humerus wound up like this guy’s.)
I broke my humerus skating when I was 13. It was only in one place (not 7!), and still hurt like nobody’s business. Wishing a speedy recovery to this unfortunate old dude.
61 year old? really? thems some stiches..
He’s a friend of mine. He is 61. I hope all you under 30s are paying attention, before you know it you will be one of us and wearing the Advil Blue. I hope for your sakes that you will also still be skating (or doing whatever keeps you young).
Advil printed on your deck?That’s asking for it.
I can’t afford to bust a knee or ankle either,that’s why I stopped riding my Dogtown Worst Case Scenario board.Something just didn’t feel right…
drugs, safety gear, yoga, a good broom, and skating when the grommits are in school. I hope to be doin’ it in 20 yrs from now as well.
No offense to Curtis but you are a chode. And to Wots? question. No yes, goverment health care reform means even those without private insurance will get better provisions.
Those like Curtis who think their bill just disappears and simply credit reports are mistaken.
Maybe you don’t know this but a portion of everyone’s taxes go to pay for bad debt for hospital providers.
You know, so even though they have to write off millions of dollars of bills(like Curtis’)as bad debt, good chunks of American tax dollars get squandered on that shit when I can think of a litany of other causes that $$ could be applied to. Trust me, I know a little something about this.
Sure, we hate bills and collectors that come when we don’t pay the providers(x-ray, Dr.’s, etc), but then you might as well just hand the bill to your neighbor and say it’s your problem now. Thats why this reform is so important to those who don’t have hundreds of $$ to pay for private insurance. If you don’t like what hospitals or providers charge. Then don’t be such a helpless pussy and fix your own injuries. I dunno, we don’t have a whole lot of options.
BTW, is this the same old guy in the Santa Cruz shirt?
Che would’ve fixed this arm “for free”, but he would’ve demanded that you do something more productive for other people than skateboarding…
If all you do for you fellow man is ride a skateboard, perhaps you deserve to lose your privileges.
Any street skater knows that when you go in, you fell off your bike. Don’t help haters pad the stats.
Too tired to care about stuff and things. Sucks about the arm though. I helped a “cougar” get online at barnes and noble yesterday. She was very happy about that. I Think I made baby jesus sad today by not decking out my frontside rock-n-rolls all proper like. I am sorry baby jesus I will do better in the future. I know it is a sin to half ass front rocks. Hail satan!!!
no offense taken bro, I was born this way and have been unpopular my whole life. I am a chode and more. my friends know that.
after my clavical break I knew I could have avoided the hospital. a clavical strap is inferior to a T-shirt pulled over the head. if you break your clavical, just pull your shirt over your head and use a shoe string to tie it tight on your back between your sholder blades. this is what I ended up with after my expensive clavical strap (my neighbors payed for) became all crusty greasy and gross.
a tied up T-shirt, some beer and a few tokes of weed, and I could have avoided all this, Jake would think I am a chode for some other reason.
I am quite knowledgable about medicine and health, I would be happy to take care of myself but in a lot of ways it’s against the law.
I can set my own bones if I have access to the tools and drugs.
you can’t buy casting tape without some credentials.
what ever you do they make you play the game. I don’t want to play, so I break the rules. sorry suckers.
Carl is a dick,
I think it is a hard time to do anything for anyone but yourself. so I applaud people who only skate. skaters don’t make the world worse by skating. we take the worst part of the world and make it something positive and creative.`
Carl, if you ever decide not to jerk off, but instead load a half-full(that’s right,optimist!)jar of mayo with raw hamburger meat and warm it up to stick yer pecker in there, just make sure you wear a rubber.
“Why?” You ask?
Well not because mayo or meat has the clap but because it may sneak you a UTI or bacterial infection that could range as nasty as e.coli to botulism.
So just remember-wear the rubber. And warm it up.(not the rubber)(…oorrrr maaaybee….)
Anyway, now we have exchanged medical advice.
You can also make your own casting tape but I’m sure you know.
Also if yer hand is bigger than yer face, I’m sorry but you’ve got Cancer*.
*Just kidding,your alright.
Whoopsy Daisy, CURTIS! I clearly meant Curtis, not Carl.
Unless your counting the part where I wrote Carl instead of Curtis,then it may not be so clear.
I hope this guy claims skateboarding on his insurance forms, as opposed to houseofneil’s suggestion of this 61 yr old skater faking as a geezer who breakes his bones just walking. (way to insult a guy!)
let’s accept reality. skateboarding is normal, and safer than driving a car. he should claim it as skateboarding as a member of team Advil, regardless of if he pays the bill cos skating is like a taboo to these insurance devils.
Carl is a dick, I know there is much more to life thsn skating, but dude, you don’t need to be so mean to Jake.