I’ve seen a lot of crappy skateboard renderings tacked on to products as an afterthought, but this one looks like the artist actually had an affinity for our favorite pastime. I can’t figure out what animal this is. I thought it was a monkey, but there’s no tail. There’s also no other skateboard related pictures inside. It’s kind of amusing that they call out the fact that it’s a shaped coloring book. They basically just punched out a regular coloring book. You can tell because a lot of the images are cut off. How’s that for investigative reporting?
wtf trick is it? First I was thinking andrecht, but the knees are bent the wrong way. Then I was thinking frontside invert, but the head is backwards and he’s got two right arms. I think its a gorilla
LOL, i was trying to figure out the invert too!
Almost looks like an egg. Or maybe he’s goin for a
Smithvert. Can’t tell which way his body is situated.
forget about naming the trick…i’m stiil trying to figure what board the “monkey” is skating….Crayola…was it Henry Sanchez ??
It’s obviously a frontside invert spine transfer.
Oh wait, is that Glehaven?
I think the only invert where your thumb inside the bowl on the grab is the layback air but he’s facing the wrong way. If it was a Koala
Had to come back to this one. Maybe it’s a layback air to invert… ala Roto-Rooter/Todd Twist? or what was that thing McGill used to try? Egg to back flop?
MC, this guy needs some HOMO cartooning tips on skate body positions
Get it.
You think the artist had a Real Sanchez deck?
Still…two right hands…
That coloring book has money bumps
I always thought layback tricks required the thumb to be on top of the bowl.