Annoying Kid of the Month is back!
I think it’s been at least a year since I changed the Annoying Kid of the Month. In this case it’s more of an Annoying Old Man of the Month. This “Young at Heart” gentleman was spotted at a Ross (Dress for Less!) store in Northern Washington. If you’re not familiar with them, Ross is the place where all the overstocked goods from various suppliers and/or liquidations go to be blown out for cheap. Don’t rip on this guy too hard, he may be a reader.
– Thanks to John Aguilar for the photo.
Leave my dad alone!! In his day he took some roller-skates and…
That’s me in twelve years or less.
Probably thought it was a Christmas shirt
It’s Rob Ross kopp!
I for one applaud this man for not giving a cotton picking !!!! about brand names. He obviously picks his clothes according to fit and price, which are the only non-poser criteria attributed to clothing choice.
More for real than you pretentious kooks.
Or is their more to the story than meets the eye?
A SC shirt tucked doesn’t look proper at all…….
The white Wrangler denim is on trend for Spring 2010
If he was sporting skate shoes as well, he’d look pretentious. As it is, he doesn’t look a damn bit sillier than any of us would in that shirt.
I was thinking it might be one of the NHS guys too!
im wearing that right now, sweatshirt version…man i guess i am getting old!
Nothing wrong with not being a pretentious tool like
myself. Isn’t that Chuck Derbacue?
The other day I was out with the family for some pizza and half the fat old dads were rocking element, Volcom or DC shit. All the mall brands. That stuff is all at Ross. It’s like there wearing a Big Dogs shirt, it’s all the same to them.
” It could have been you …”
who cares
Maybe his parents visited Santa Cruz, California and all he got was that lousy t-shirt. They make mountain bikes or surfboards or some shit too don’t they?
i, for once, am with colinwhoocassioanalymakessense. who gives a shit. only real punk out there was my dad who really couldnt care less what was he wearing and always looked at me like im some kind of idiot when i was trying to tell him not to wear my “cool” skate clothes which he found in dirty laundry basket.
hey, the taliban sleep ‘tween spiderman and hannah montana sheets made in Pakistan according to some guy who was kidnapped by them, It’s not even engrish.
Get it Rob Ross Cop. You see, he skated for Santa Cruz and does anyone else think that was funny cuz I did and it’s really early and I think I’ll go back to sleep now thank you.
fuckkk sc is alll!!!!
Bob Biniak is still dead?
hey, there are these really old frail people who live near me. they drive a minivan with a thrasher sticker on it. they would be perfect for this, I’ll try and get a photo!
KC… I thought it was funny! I was going to post the same thing. Ross always has NHS gear. I got a bad ass Dressen shirt there. That old guy probably bought that t-shirt at Ross too. I like to buy $20 skate shoes there, usually funky colors but good brands.
thats santa cruz surf legend bill harbor mulcoy . good story about him dodging cops and harbor patrol for years surfing the then illeagal santa cruz harbor mouth managing to ditch them every time only to finally be caught when surfer mag published his photo and full name. at age 60+ still surfs better than most. should change this post to legend citing of the month.
that dude looks like he can kick some ass. he has a very nice figure for an elderly man of his age.
i think this guy is a local at Lake Cunningham.