Slovenšcina za Skateboard
Slovenian reader Urban Kravos sent in a link to his web site where among other things like stencil art, he’s got a gallery of his apartment that is a work in progress making sure his girlfriend never asks to move in with him. (Sorry, Urban, couldn’t resist!) Kravos is an architect by trade but has been skating since age 7, and decided to surround himself with what he loves.
I’ve been also making skateboards for my hobby since 1999, first from birch plywood and about two years ago I started with vacuum technic. I’ve seen that you already found two of my friends from Slovenia, Ali Jusovic and Konan. The skateboard scene here is really small compared to the states, and everybody knows each other, and of course we all skate together when we find time…For us it is the best scene in the world, but I guess everybody thinks so about their skate surroundings. The best thing is, that we don’t actually have any good public skateparks, except that shity modular wood year 1995 type, but some riders are really good and creative, just look at Almir…And I actually don’t know anybody, that would like to be a professional skateboarder, we just take for what it is meant to be, FUN. We do other things to make a living and enjoy skateboarding just like it was, when we were kids. For me it is some sort of meditation, when I want some peace from eveyday life.
The static web site is… fairly static, but his blog gets updated more regularly.