Rocket powered skateboard

I think we’ve mentioned a few rocket powered skateboards before, and now we’re giving you the tools to do it yourself. OK, not giving you the tools, you need to buy the book. Aside from skateboards, author Dan Pollino is involved in amateur rocketry with engines on a much powerful scale. He’ll teach you how to make those rockets too, which is good because quite frankly, the engines on the skateboard don’t look nearly as impressive on video as they do in the stills. But then again, who want’s to stand on top of a notoriously unstable explosive? Might as well make it somewhat, uh, safe.

– Thanks to Eric Shea for the tip.


14 thoughts on “Rocket powered skateboard

  1. colinwalshrules on February 11, 2010 - Reply


  2. Jazzy Jeff on February 11, 2010 - Reply

    I was actually hoping for some speed.

  3. pretty sure most people can PUSH faster than that…

    back to the drawing board, nerds.

  4. Negative Ned on February 11, 2010 - Reply

    Uhhh? I think my car powered skateboard goes much faster than that.

  5. I just put a hill under mine.

  6. warehouse on February 11, 2010 - Reply

    BIGGER rockets!
    Lets see 50mph…then you’ve got something.

  7. my right foot is like a rocket. that sling shot thing has more acceleration than this.

  8. warehouse on February 11, 2010 - Reply

    Thats because the rocket isn’t big enough…..

  9. Why do these so called inventors continually try to dork out skateboarding?

  10. I’m actually surprised that they didn’t use long boards, more space for bigger rockets and more stable at speed.

  11. The invention is nowhere as cool as the soundtrack, provided by The Casio Rock-estra!

  12. Drunk Andy on February 12, 2010 - Reply

    Hooper on a Skateboard. Give DWay or Jake Brown one of these with custom 250 Indys and a 50 foot quarter pipe. Shit will go down.

  13. Reminds me of standing on/trying to skate a Tonka truck

  14. Talentlessquitter on February 12, 2010 - Reply

    “Uh,yes,that is a lot of smoke…officer.”

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