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Ryan used to live in Battle Ground Wa, and now he lives in Albany, Oregon. He was lamenting on the lack of coverage of nearby Harrisburg. So here you go.
Ryan Gray – Harrisburg, Oregon.
Ryan Gray – Battle Ground, Oregon.
Battle Ground’s hottest skate shop is a paint ball outfitter, NW Ambush.
paint n skate sucks TOXIC SKATE all day..
paintball and skateboarding….. strange combo
What’s up with that clamshell? I’ve got nothing against flatbottom, but flatceiling???
Why? because it’s easier to perch your keyboard on flat ceiling and complain about things… Goob
i sent in some harrisburg shots a while back, you need em again,i send em again.
Bobcat, you ever tried perching anything on a ceiling? If you’d spend more time keyboarding instead of drinking and playing other people’s music, you’d know about gravity….
Danimal, when was the last time you went to harrisburg? May of last year on a drug run?
yeah you know me sellin my weeds to the kids. been there twice since May but didnt skate either time. i sent kilwag some pics of your backside airs and some bmxers i guess he didnt like em.
Pardon the kidding; didn’t know about your back… but, in all seriousness, I was not complaining (about something I’ll probably never get to skate anyway), I was looking for enlightenment.
thing about the flat ceiling is you feel it flatten out as you ride, so you know you got up there if you feel it flatten out during your upside down carve
I dont consider you a Skateshop if you have the word Paintball in your name !!!
What if you have BMX in your name? You know what they say about glass houses…
Nice thats true what ever it takes to make $$ right , paintball,golf discs , BMX parts it all works . Im just poking fun my bad .
Just waiting for this skateboard trend to die down – then we can use the skateboard track for our paintball battles
Least The Battleground shop isnt all full of themselves.
Im sure Toxic Mike was just poking fun at us after we drove 4 hours to ptown only to be treated like Kooks.
If you speaking about someone showing up that cant sign a waiver what am I to do about that . As far as being full of our selves any one that knows me knows that im far from that!!!!
Skateboard joust(ramp locals vs daggers)in the bowl at battleground to settle it?
Let’s do it at highnoon, when the suns at its peak. Haha who’s gunna officiate this epic dual?
Daggers are no joke!!Bring your man pads ramp boys.
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