
10 thoughts on “No laptops on the deck.

  1. i take it you watched the “front line” special on OPB?

  2. Yes and i recommend it. You can watch it online. I read Rushkoff’s book Cyberia when it came out 16 years ago and was also excited about the possibilities of virtual reality and digital culture. Still waiting for my flying car too.

  3. Where’s that ramp??

  4. I know people who can text on two cell phones at once but have trouble just acknowledging a question from a human presence let alone answering if they’re using even just one.

  5. colinwalshrules on February 4, 2010 - Reply

    he could do an invert and google it on his iphone all in one swoop.

  6. Is that one of those “imaginary” vert ramps in a dry warehouse?

  7. I just learned (again) last week that I can’t always skate and do a “trick” at the same time.

  8. Marilyn Chambers on February 5, 2010 - Reply

    MC, I’ve always felt that’s probably the case with real world DP’s, as well.

  9. The problem is I have a hard time seeing your comic on my phones little screen. what really works is leaving the phone in the car, turning up the tunes on the ipod, turning down the brain and just rolling/flowing around the park/bowl skateboard track whatever. Do they have facebook anonymous?

  10. nweyesk8 on February 8, 2010 - Reply

    is there a vert ramp in Windell’s B.O.B. ? my other question would be, what ever happened with Grover’s ramp he started in his back yard? did it get moved to a secret indoor spot?

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