More places you won’t get to skate

Unless you live in Brazil.

The pool is on a farm owned by skater Gui Barbosa (seven miles from downtown guaratinguetá sp – Brazil) and the place known as VERT in ROÇA – Half pipe is a covered one quadribanks, and now the GUI building a pool ta American to style (the shallow part 1.20me is 2.00m deep with swift and without flat) guaratigueta the city and a paradise of skateboarding, already had here, Hosoi, ventura, Retigui, M. Alba, Duncan, T. Alva, j.Gibson, Magnusum, Elguera, Delgado, T. Hawk, L.Montain, Bob B., chicken, J. Fhelps, and O. Hasan.

– Thanks to Eduardo Yndyo for the photos.

Pedro Barros shot by Otavio Neto


4 thoughts on “More places you won’t get to skate

  1. Sam Lowry on February 4, 2010 - Reply

    This isn’t Brazil. Where is the giant Samurai?
    Harry Tuttle?
    “Don’t fight it son, confess quickly!
    If you hold out too long you could jeopardize your credit rating!

  2. guilherme barbosa on February 5, 2010 - Reply

    Thanks, my place is very good for skateboarding,you should visit this paradise.

  3. Really GREAT!

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