Bam, Him and Plup
PLUP is a Finnish company that sells bottled water. In Finland PLUP Ltd donates 10 euro cents from each PLUP bottle sold, directly to the Baltic Sea Action Group to help clean up the Baltic Sea. Stefan Lindfors shot a commercial for them, and lo and behold, it features a certain professional skateboarder by the name of Bam. It also features the music of Bam’s buddies HIM. Just in case you’re wondering, is that really Bam, or a blond guy with creepy blue eyes that just looks like him, he’s got a gratuitous skateboard on his back. Does anyone else see the irony of an environmentally conscious bottled water company? There’s no actual skating in the commercial, but there is some wakeboarding or wake skating or whatever it’s called. I know the U.S.A. is weird for sure, but so is Finland.
[Source: Justskate via Kingpin. ]
– Thanks to Doug for the tip.
seriously… Wtf?
hahhaha wow that was… different
That’s how gratuitously f’d up Finnish productions are; he didn’t even NEED his hands back, cuz even though he’s wake skating, it’s without a tow rope. Not too surprising, though, since the only Finnish movie I’ve seen was like a cross between one of John Waters’ worst, Desperate Living, and, on the plus side, the sensibilities of Danish band Power Solo (who seem convinced they’re American rednecks, among other things). Bringing it back toward skating, though, I’d say the reason they mocked up the wake skating without a tow rope is cuz it has hideous style with one. (Though reputedly it’s a lot of fun….)
Nice work on finding this video. You are the search master general. Finland does put out some awesome core bands.
Wind-water-fire, could be an Element ad
creative idea. A bit long winded . Horrible music!
I give it a 6 out of 10 pizza crusts.
Extra fun-points awarded because this was also so expensive to show (due to the length) that after paying Bam and HIM and the bald dude (a choreographer/dancer/judge on the local dancing with the stars) that it was only shown once on TV.
Plus I think the product has pretty much vanished already also.
What a load of crap,please.Bam is as bad an actor as he is as good a skater.Plus he looks like Lars Ulrich in the end.Crap!
So let me get this straight. You buy a plastic bottle of water for $1.00 or more, which is free without the plastic. Then out of the $1.00; since PLUP is so enlightened, they will give 10% of the proceeds to cleaning up plastic bottles in the Adriatic sea that wouldn’t be there in the first place if people just used a frickin cup.
That’s the idea. It’s supposed to make them look like they give a fuck when they clearly don’t.
meant Baltic sea