1001a Durometer
Yeah I know the A scale doesn’t really go up that high. Technically, it doesn’t even goo up to 101, but that never stopped wheel companies from marketing them as such. These old Kryptos are made out of cement, and so is the deck. It’s a piece called Irony that was in the PUSH benefit auction for the Division Street Skatepark Project in Bend, Oregon. At least I think it was, because it’s not in any of the photos of the work. It’s kind of hard to tell what’s going on with the project. There’s a blog that was last updated in 2008, and there are pictures of DIY concrete action happening somewhere, but key areas of the site have missing images, and it’s unclear whether or not construction has actually begun. And seriously, guys, I would have loved to promote this auction, give us a heads up next time.
I’m getting off track here. Drew West of the talented Real Concrete Design, cast these. There are more pictures available are on Facebook. Those wheels fit bearings, don’t ya know?
– Thanks to Kevin Porterfield for the tip.
Yeeeeeees !
hows it going i emailed you last week with the info on the auction i sent it to your editor@skateandannoy.com in the contact info i sent you so other links to my skateshop to check out some of the vintage stuff we got. thought it was weard you didnt post it. the sites for the divisons streetare all f00k up there is like 10 people all stared diffrent sites. i think the facebook page will be the best to get info go to divison street skatepark project to see whats up. drews board was at the auction sold for $200.00 plus to cheap i wood say. if you are over here in bend area give us a call we will go to so bowls we have. thanks porterfield for posting that yur on the ball and you dont evan live here any more
Nice work Mr West of http://www.realconcretedesign.com
Big 70mm Kryptonics USA !
Gorgeous !
I just posted them here last week:
Ive had an idea for ever for a giant concrete skateable skateboard.. like 6ft. high on one side..
Just need the art part of a parks contract to be able to afford to build it..
That one is sick though fo sho.. the trucks look metal?..Must be some big trucks..
Like a bench sized board? To skate like a bench with raised ends? That could be sick.