SOTW 1-25-10: Brandon Morris at Buena Vista
This week’s Shot of the Week comes from Colin Walsh. Whether or not he rules depends on what side of the bed he woke up on that morning. This is Brandon Morris at the Buena Vista pool in Watsonville California. Brandon loves Watsonville so much he had it tattooed on his legs. Are those NOS Airwalks or did they bring back the old logo? Man I hated that logo and those shoes when they first came out. (No offense, Brandon.) Hey look kids. it’s Pabst Blue Ribbon! Check out the Shot of the Week.
buena at Buena. hella buena. Buena.
That pool is no joke. Great sessions. How old is this photo? Wonder if it’s been filled in again yet?
Oh, sorry, Nice fs rock fo sho.
“Hey look kids. it
I used to skate that pool a lot and hitting a fs rock is no joke, especially in the corner. Pretty sick. RIP Stello!!
those airwalks are pretty smart!
The pool should still be going, It is most likely filled w/ rain water. I was home over Xmas break and skated it and emptied it every other day.
Whether or not Colin Walsh rules depends on whether or not you’re Colin Walsh. (sorry, late with the joke)
buena lives
serious rock right there
>>I used to skate that pool a lot and hitting a fs rock is no joke, especially in the corner. Pretty sick.
if that is actually a make, what he said x2
Of course it is a make. I DO NOT post any pictures that are not landed. Brandon is a great skater and a really nice dude.
He may be a great skater, but he is not a “nice dude”.
He raped my mother and killed a baby,tonight! He also rigged the 2000 election, for Bush to win and caused the current economy crisis and kicked me in the nuts once, causing permanent damage. And he purposely threw away the winning McDonalds Monopoly pieces that costing me the coveted title of “McMillionare”. Very “Un-dude”.
jake-you are wrong. admit failure and continue to the next window please.
Nah, you’re right-I was thinking of “Landon Norris”, he’s a treacherous one, that Landon.
I always get them confused, too.
Nice shot! Stello!!R.I.P The pool was better than ever in Oct. at the reunion.What’s up with the rumors of pool coping?It wouldn’t be the same.