Shot of the Week: Are you taking my picture?
Hey you! Hey! Are you taking my picture? MY picture?!!! Well alright!
We’re big fans of the dork session here, obviously, and so are Gabe Stoltz (as seen above) and Kevin Porterfield from Dokument Boardshop or Skatecamp… Err, what’s going on in Salem, Kevin?
Whew. It’s been a while since I updated the Shot of the Week. I got out of the habit when I was dealing with hackers and hosting woes, but it’s back.
this is a rad photo.
Skated with this guy in Battle Ground this summer. Fun guy to watch. Rips it up.
Is that woman air-knitting Gabe a shirt in the background?
Hey , thats my backyard 🙂
That may be the gayest skateboarding photo ever…no offense, that takes balls… And I like balls. ?
This is one of my all time favorite photos I’ve taken. Love to shoot with Gabe, I don’t know anyone who has as much fun and loves the camera as much as he does. Someone need to help this guy out. He get’s no flow from anyone.
Aieeeee! Give me a month.
Gabe’s a shredster. gotta love it!
Hey got to put it out there. He loves your stuff. I closed down Dokument skate shop so I can’t help him out with decks anymore. We still run a skate park that at the oregon state fair grounds were we will be doing lessons and camps for the kids this spring. We have a pre-fab park thats under a covered area with lots of ramps and a mini ramp. It’s a free place to skate that stays dry and we all volunteer work there. No one get’s paid to work for fair park.
With poise like this who the hell wouldn’t sponsor this guy?
Get him Kilwag! It’s motivation to get out some new decks. (I’m actually being selfish, my “Finisher” is dying.)
Bummer to hear Dokument is closed. Gabe rips- Kilwag would have gotten to see Gabe at the Aumsville Contest he ‘suppossedly’ sponsored if he showed up. Oh well…….
I’ve seen Gabe skate before, and I was out of town that weekend.
I can attest to gabes skills and demeanor. If we could only get him to learn some backside tricks he would be on fire!
Looks like the first entry for the SnA, only slightly gay, skate calendar. Rad photo and skating. Village People approved.
he needs a YKK ziper flow.
Phallic griptape, balls out magenta cut-offs, no shirt, and bandana choker!
That is a fabtastic photo!
Hey, that’s me in the back round air knitting that sweater. Haha. Gabes an amazing skater who is absolutly captivating to watch. Deserves way more credit and attention then he gets.
lol way to go nephew……love the photo