R.I.P. Art Clokey, creator of Gumby
Art Clokey passed away on Friday. His early work was pretty surreal at times. What good hearted person doesn’t love Gumby? There were at least two Gumby episodes that revolved around skateboarding. The first one was a 1967 episode of the Gumby Show, titled Dog Catchers. I believe that is the first skateboarding dog, unless you count this one. The second was a 1988 creation titled Skateboard Rally, in which the Blockheads rip his stick. There’s a dramatic car chase, Skate Rock on a half pipe – performed while skating, no less, a contest with loop action and some heavy eigties guitar riffs. I think David Dink got ripped off by the judges though. Check em out after the jump.
– Thanks to ehdubya for the tip.
Dog Catchers – 1967
1988 Skateboard Rally
This Gumby Keycahin can be yours for six bucks.
I love the Gumby he and his crew are good holsom fun. No coke No Im loving it. They just have fun.
Watching Gumby makes me feel stoned.
Gumby, put your flyaway helmet back on.
Whoa, I had that barn and animals shape sorter toy that they keep going by.