Gullwing videos of yesteryear
I never saw Full Power Trip from 1990. I did have a bootleg copy of Molecules in Motion though. I’d like to see that again. Here’s some Sadlands action with Blender and Jesse. I think that miniramp was Blender’s. Video quality is sketchy. It’s probably bootlegged, but hey, at least someone preserved it.
I used to shed Sadlands all the time in the early ninties. A unique spot and a scene that has been brushed under the Industry table. Lame. Lester Kasai always ripped that spot and once bought me a Big Gulp. Never forget. Big ups!
Got molecules in motion at home on vhs
Oh man…. I need to borrow that.
I’ll dig around and see if i can locate it tonight…I’ll let you know.
The eyeglass-squirt gun battle at the end is great!
Yup , thats blenders ramp. Tight as mofo mini .
I think I recall a pic in TW of him doing a wooly mammoth on it.
Blender’s ramp had crazy elliptical trannies on it. Elliptical trannies rule…
I concur . My mini ramp. The one pictured in last weeks shot of the week of Gabe stoltz are elliptical.
I need to see inside out (rad goofy story about the crazy gobbler) too funny! I also need a DeLorean to go back and skate Sadlands.
Randy, I burned Molecules in Motion to DVD last year. It was actually far better than I remembered it being. I’ll burn you a copy if you like.