
Burnside plan public meeting Wednesday night

Late notice as usual. This will be the forum for input about the plans for development around the Burnside skatepark neighborhood. Skaters need to show up or they’ll think we’re not interested. 524 E Burnside, 7th floor of Bside6 doors open at 5pm. Be cool, but be there.

Why? Because the area around the park is being redeveloped, and nothing is set in stone. I mean, there was even talk of adding a BMX track.

Wednesday, January 27 from 5:30 – 7:30 pm. 524 E Burnside, 7th floor


8 thoughts on “Burnside plan public meeting Wednesday night

  1. the wife and i will drop by on our way home from work…

  2. Union Jacks had better double up on talent that night

  3. Ricotron on January 27, 2010 - Reply

    I went to this meeting and I was kinda disappointed by what they were proposing for these reasons. The first is that they fail to understand that maybe one of the reasons its hard to get a “catalyst” going in that part of town is that there is a detox center, an inpatient treatment center, and a methadone clinic that are the only place in Portland that help low income or homeless alcohol and drug addicts. Second as much as people want it to become pedestrian friendly I fear that we are going to have another situation where skaters are going to fight the city to be able to ride the streets that they claim will be pedestrian, bike and skater friendly. Lastly, whats going to happen to the businesses like shrunken head when the property values go up and with that rent? This just seems like more gentrification bull, sorry to rant.

  4. No amount of meetings will stop it.

    Anyone ever consider some sort of Park Status–National Historic Register, State Park, City Park, or some such angle. Otherwise, it’s sitting on real estate that somebody is going to want, either for building, parking, or simply want vacated.

  5. Good skater turnout and they talk like they recognized the importance of the skatepark and what the skaters did for the area. Too much jargon and I got the impression that all their ideas are about what has been done in New York or Malmo or London. I did like the idea of the Burnside Bridge being planted with grass and becoming a park.

  6. All that talk about a “Catalyst” was just their fancy word to get the gentrification ball rolling in that area. They can talk about embracing the skatepark, and acknowledge it on a powerpoint map, but If something doesn’t fit their vision, or make lots of money, it’s probably not going to be there when the development is done.
    On a more positive note, those sandwiches were very tasty!

  7. it seamed like Will Bruder understood the importance of burnside park which is pretty cool considering how popular that guy is as an architect. the difficulty will be getting the local architectural “team” to have that same understanding of its value. after listening to the last team present, i had the impression they had no clue of its value based on their awful massing studies……this is usually where the disconnect occurs, the visionary versus the people that make it happen.

  8. XX year Birthday reunion 2010..
    After 20 years I think you can be declared a historical landmark, if you want to accept all the stuff that comes with that status. ex. approval on changing designs etc…
    But Maby that will finally stop all the Kooks from saying dumb shit & starting rumors about the park going away.
    Same old shit I’ve been hearing repetitivly, since over 16 years ago. I mean really, like new stories with the same old plot.. lol
    Why not just show your support, but dont get too political & enjoy it by skateboardings.. That is what the park is really there for!! Not the politics, the loitering, drama, or soap opera. U want that watch some TV. or Watch the historical story in the future.. Me Im going to live it. Ya Feel
    The Skate D.I.Y. armada is all working together on this one fo sho..

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