Mondo Curb
Mondo curb launch ramp is located a block and a half east of the 3D Center of Art and Photography in Portland Oregon. Enlarge-o-rama.
Posted by: Kilwag (editor) on December 29th, 2009
Categories: Skate, Spot Check
Tags: curbs, Oregon, Portland, Street
Mondo curb launch ramp is located a block and a half east of the 3D Center of Art and Photography in Portland Oregon. Enlarge-o-rama.
thanks. I’m on it.
What potential…. just not for a guy like me. Not when I was young either…. sigh.
too bad that rail is in the way
I think I remember a Transworld photo of Joel Price bs ollieing over an orange barrier off of one those things.
Larry, you ollie the first two rails then grind/slide the third one …. or maybe that first one is too close.
The rails used to not be there and Ethan Fowler cracked a big ollie on it. I cruise by there all the time and I like to ride up the bank and do a slappy nose stall on the lower part of the rail then grab onto the higher part to do a sweet layback noselide.
Too bad its all wet. That sucks.