Follow DaddyYo at his new home
My inbox has been flooded with protests and requests that I ban the entity known as Daddy Yo. It’s not worth all the drama and distraction, and so I am taking the easy way out and reinstating the Daddy Yo ban. You can follow Daddy Yo at his own blog which I assume is going to dedicated to the patent on his mountainboard hybrid. The innovation here is supposed to be that the trucks are mounted on the upturned nose and tail, although I swear I’ve already seen this before, recently, and at the very least, on the Wheelee Board. I couldn’t find the actual patent online, but Michael was kind enough to send me the text from the application.
From DaddyYo’s patent application.
This invention is a new form of skateboard developed to respond to the growing need for an increased stability skateboard for use on paved and other constructed surfaces.
This invention is more stable and maneuverable than traditional skateboards and more suitably scaled than mountainboards for use on paved and constructed surfaces including roadways sidewalks and skateparks. The methods to control this Specific-terrain Skateboard (STS) demand athletic skills similar to those required of conventional skateboard, surfboard, snowboard and mountainboard riding while requiring new skills applicable to the unique properties of the invention.
Conventional skateboards were developed by taking the trucks from roller skates and mounting them beneath a wood deck to simulate the feel and maneuvers of surfboard riding on paved surfaces. Changes to the initial design of skateboards have been minimal since their invention and the handling characteristics and steering mechanisms remain largely unchanged. Many devices have been proposed to address the inherent instability of skateboards, but none has overcome the high center-of-gravity and limited steering capabilities that contribute to that instability. Skateboard riders are mainly younger people who have the resilience to withstand the injuries that are a part of falling from unstable skateboards.
Mountainboard, also known as All-Terrain Boards (ATBs) and Dirtboards, prior art demonstrates the high deck ground clearance, large pneumatic tires and foot binding attachments that are used to enable the rider to stay engaged with the board over rough surfaces. Mountainboards have been developed as a means to ride off-road on unpaved and unconstructed surfaces. Their size, high ground clearance and large pneumatic tires are all designed to roll over the uneven surfaces and absorb the shocks encountered when riding unpaved off-road surfaces.
The skateboard and mountainboard prior art does not illustrate the advantage of the combination of a lowered deck for stability, foot bindings for aerial maneuvers and wheel size and construction for riding paved surfaces. Mountainboard prior art does not illustrate the unique truck mechanism with the geometry and range of adjustment capabilities for the purpose of achieving stability and to withstand the impact of landing from heights on paved and constructed surfaces generally used by skateboard riders.
Skateboard athletic disciplines have evolved into main divisions that include transportation, downhill racing and skatepark riding. Mountainboard riding is confined mainly to the off-road unpaved and unprepared surfaces the equipment was designed to travel.
Although skateboards are intended for paved surfaces some versions have been ridden off-road but are rarely used for that purpose due their increased instability compounded by soft and irregular surfaces. Skateboard riding disciplines have developed over the years of general use and competitions. The largest current skateboard disciplines are street trick riding, skatepark riding, transportation, downhill carving, slalom racing and downhill speedboarding. Although mountainboards have been used for skatepark riding, their size and weight make pushing the board impractical and trick execution much more difficult than with skateboards and the present invention.
The Specific-Terrain Skateboard (STS) combines more stable physical characteristics of mountainboards, including a lowered center-of-gravity and lessened ground clearance, with the light weight and wheel design of skateboards to create a unique skateboard with attributes new to and different from skateboards and mountainboards while conforming to the current riding disciplines of skateboarding..
Kook alert. I see he’s got his ‘Spirit Fingers’. In todays ‘Kilwags Lesson’s Of Internet Policy’s’ we learn quickly what websites NOT TO BOOKMARK! He needs this board to ride his own ‘Mountain Of Verbal Spewage’……..yep- we are annoyed by this clown.
Let the SKATE talk begin! The week looks good. It’ll be cold but the concrete should be dry. Hitting Battleground tomorrow!
hang on, i gotta go make some popcorn.
umm, our local college kook long board shop sells long boards that are mounted exactly like that….
It’s been done hundreds of times Kilwag. There is no new dramatic innovation in his design. Check for a mountain board on Amazon. You’ll see virtually EVERY mountain board is mounted this way, and there are several different truck designs. So his big idea, is taking one of those and putting skate wheels on it… Whoa, that’s brilliant. Yea, uh huh. And “drop through” downhill decks have lowered the center of gravity along time ago.
I sincerely hope your little “social experiment” elevated the view counts back to pre-crash levels… but I hate that you also elevated that fks name again on the internet… FK! I’ll be waiting ’til this post and his comments are long gone from the front page before re-adding SnA to my bookmarks and blog links. Sorry man, he’s that much of a turd. (So glad others lit up your mail box, I refused to, again.)
Kwag – If you think the Wheeley board is anything like my board you are just too far behind for the me to help you.
It’s been fun. I’ll stop posting when my post is the last one that shows up on this topic.
See ya SNA suckers.
OK… I let these last few in, I’m going to close this one to comments out of fairness. Let’s put this one to bed and move on folks.