Absolute vs relative point of view
Lakai commercial featuring Mike Carroll’s Hangover Flip. I’m intrigued as to how they filmed this. Either a camera on some sort of mount that could be rotated fast and smoothly enough to keep up with the rotating board, or maybe a super high resolution camera with the footage cropped and rotated so the edges don’t show. My guess it the latter. I can’t imagine how you could flip the camera and zoom that precisely at the same time.
– Thanks to Mike Buckley for the tip
Definitely post work… but still kinda cool…
Lives revolve around the board.
Ho Pa, thats very poetic. In this day and age the creativity in digital photography and filming make it hard for one to tell how “real” or actuall something is.
I think they filmed it normally and then just cropped closer and rotated the image keeping the board dead center.. Very easy to do.. i’m sure the camera didn’t rotate at all..
if you film with a red camera or same 4k camera you can resize the image and rotate.