Indoor Portland
Rumor has it that Rip City Skate’s indoor facility will be opening as soon as this weekend. MC saw some progress being made. Built in accordance with legendary Portland miniramp zoning ordinances, this picture doesn’t quite let you know how tight this spot is. It’s going to be challenging, but fun. I still haven’t made to Epic yet. I need to check both of these out. Enlarge-o-rama.
looks like it could be a lot of fun.
A lot of fun and a lot of pain.
I think that looks sick. I bet that wouldn’t be too mellow for nweyesk8 either.
It looks fun as hell
learn to carve that and you could anything. fun fun fun. better wear a mouth gaurd or might be taking out some teeth.
Only 1 concussion so far, but plenty of general slamming. It’s way more treacherous than it looks, we’re definitely going to have to put some sort of massive warning to suck up your balls before you walk in the door.
As of tonight, we’ve got 3/4 of it fully masonited, the other 4th (and most complex section) we need to put a 2nd layer of masonite, one 8 foot section of coping needs to be welded on, and we need to get some pool coping for the pocket by the door. Slowly but surely, a labor of love. The biggest problem is we have to test out every part we finish hahaha. Thoroughly.
Looks fun