GVK #53: Halloween at Burnside 2009
So I did not have a lot of time to shoot footage for Halloween plus you are always so distracted by the Show. I did see a lot of good stuff that did not make it to the camera. The weather was great, awesome turn out. There is a sort of weird good family vibe at that Burnside Banks. I feel like if my kid got lost people would try to help him feel okay and get him help. Just to set the mode when I pulled up Red had the music so loud it almost hurt you ears and the song was the song from the bar scene in star wars where Luke and OB-1 meet Han Solo. Who would of thought that could hurt your ears. If you didn’t make you missed it. – Skate Off, Grover.
P.S. Some of you may have seen this already, I put this together last week and got tired of waiting for Kilwag to get his site running again – See this video.
Grover’s Video Korner #53: Halloween Burnsde 2009 – Last stop, Kooktown
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