Digg Tony Hawk
Tony Hawk interviewed on another skateboarding web site? Nope. Try Digg.com‘s Digg Dialogues. He’s still famous. Tony is interviewed with questions from the Digg community by the site’s founder. Conahan once suggested that I forego “Gratuitous Tony Hawk” references for Sheckler, but Tony’s in the media more, still. Watch it after the jump.
FanBoy approves! Kevin Rose pushes mongo.
Hawk was on “Wait, Wait, don’t tell me” last weekend
You can listen to it here. Always fun to listen to skateboarders try to explain it to the straights.
As a skater and surfer, I was pleasantly surprised to hear Tony be just as engaging as Slater was on NPR. Slater’s a bright guy, and, well, not that I thought Tony is a dubbo, but he CAN be uncharismatic in the extreme on talk shows… so it was good to hear him kill. Now if we could just do something about Bam (aka the unfunny Jackass). It’s kind of a crime that guys with as good skate style as Bam and Jason Lee have found their calling being dumb. The only funny thing (albeit dumb) that Bam has done is walk up to a dickish acquaintence of my girlfriend in a New Orleans bar, and tell the guy, who had been bitching to friends about Bam being all Hollywood, “So, I hear you don’t like me”, whereupon the guy just hauled off and slapped Bam. Most of the rest of the Jackass crew, who were in town filming one of the movies, jumped the guy, and a non-dickish guy outside who knew him, seeing him getting hammered by seven people, intervened with his bike lock, and wound up knocking one of the movie’s producers lips through a tooth/vice-versa. The guy who had turned Bam’s own schtick on him got away, and called my girlfriend all dramatic about having to get out of town, and I figured was overhyping it… but then she talked to the nice guy, who had heard the Jackass lawyers were seriously out to get HIM… which I thought was pretty lame of the Jackass crew (who I had respected for at least being funnier than Bam). Anyway, Bam seems like someone who can dish out the dopey but can’t take it, and who would bitch about his kid being exposed to the same moronic crap that him and Tony have put out together (at skateboarding’s expense). But good to see Tony has a nonboring side.
I think the difference between this interview and some of the others where Tony has been “less charismatic” is this was a younger interviewer, AND it was at Tony’s office, not a news/talk show studio. So of course it’s easier to be comfy… And time didn’t seem to be a factor at all.
Did you see his beer chugging world record? http://dailysesh.com/news/tony-hawk-grabs-another-world-record
nash rambler, chill out and blaze one, who cares what other people do.
that would be sick to get that NPR Slayer interview on here
Nash Rambler… “not that I thought Tony is a dubbo”. hey, think again. Dubbo now has a capped pipe and pool cope.
CWR, I “care” what other people do when instead of taking responsibility for what they sow they get lawyers involved. Tain’t skaterly. What was the good weasel line from “Pirates of the Carribean”? Something like “Well… it’s more just a set of guidelines than a CODE, really….” Tony and Bam’s collaborations too often are the public face of skating, and it’s a childish one. And then someone like me winds up in an injunction court hearing where I’m told I’m too old (not childish enough?) to be skateboarding in a publicly owned park, unless “Are you as good as Tony Hawk?” (No shit, a judge used that line against me. I guess I should have just tried “Yes, yes I am… Judge Galeekawitz… which would justify ANYTHING, I guess you’re saying.” And it cost me two thousand bucks in lawyer’s fee to get the judge to admit that he didn’t know the law. And I AIN’T saying screw Tony or anything… I was just glad to hear that he had a wise-ass side (in the “Wait wait, don’t tell me” thing on NPR, NOT that web interview). And don’t be thinking I’m some Daddy Yo crank; it’s more like the judge was. (Only less sensible, if you can picture that… literally, the ONLY two words I uttered in my defense, at the meeting at which my lawyer got the judge to admit he was out- of-bounds legally, were: “Terry Bradshaw”. It’s like they were some damn masonic codewords to flip him to “non-batshit” setting…. The whole thing was very Alice In Wonderland.) It’s okay to stand up for the code, though… but easier when “authorities” on the law aren’t involved.
To be perfectly clear, that first line should read “legal predators”, not “lawyers”, and later on, “meeting” should read “hearing” (as in involuntary). Cuz it ain’t as if I didn’t wind up getting a lawyer involved.
I feel ya,Nash.
My mom’s always unreasonable just cause I eat 3 or 4 of her “Weight Watchers” fettucini meals when I come home a little tipsy.
It’s just like you said,and Im practically put on trial with all her accusations;
“You spend all your unemployment money partying and then come home drunk and eat my expensive food”! “And your 30 years old”!
Well, I am 30, but 3 or 4 of those tiny little meals is not ALL, and I didn’t make this economy,bitch! Maybe I should get a lawyer involved cause none of this seems fair,why cant she just move out and give me her house, fuckin unreasonable,thats why.
Last 10 seconds was the best part of the interview. This was the best Hawk on camera appearance (not skating) by far.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Az-sD2zsePg SKATE WITCHES!!! so hot right now.
im sick and tired of waking up sick and tired..
Jake, I don’t mean this to sound mean, but did you honestly have the slightest idea what you were comparing your mommy story to here? How was your response not worthy of Daddy Yo when it comes to astoundingly clueless assumptions? Maybe I should have been “chillax”ed enough not to stand up for skaters… but the cops had no problem with what I had done, for what that’s worth. Furthermore, the person who filed the injunction purposefully left the skatepark OUT of the restraining order, only to be overridden by a judge on a witch hunt… and I ain’t no skate witch. And I had no choice but to get around to hiring a lawyer in order to prevent a non-criminal-court judge from condemning me to monthly therapy for life, after already banning me from the only supervised skatepark (and YET NOT the four unsupervised ones!!) in the county. [That is, the skatepark where the county on their own had had to dismiss a manager for selling crack to non-skaters out of the trunk of his car… which, unfortunately, wasn’t even as repugnant as what one manager was up to, who, when I called her on it, resorted to spending her shifts telling people I was crazy and dangerous.] But… if you just mistakenly assumed that I had been present at that bar in NOLA with the Jackasses yet failed to step in and break up a fight, I could see you getting the wrong idea about me… but damn, boy! Thanks to Randy, though, for rethinking blowing out an “underground” spot down here… cuz we need all the ones we’ve got.
Errr…. I can’t make sense of what you are talking about. Did you mean to comment on a different post? What “underground” spot are you talking about?
Well, I thought it sounded mean.
First I cried big crazy hiccup tears, then I slowed to deep sobs, then I threw up.
Then I ate some tapioca to calm my stomach.
Just when I thought I had a hold on the situation, I threw up again. And because of the mess, you guessed it, started wailing again.
I manned-up though. Toughened my knuckles on “My Pet Monster”, and the other unfortunate ilk of my stuffed animals. Whew. What an ordeal. Uh, but I was just josh’n you there Nash. I have no idea what you were and are talking about.