Extremely Sorry
I remember being extremely stoked on the first Sorry video, and then rather bored by the second one. Now it’s time for the third installment, “Extremely Sorry.” I though this was the Internet Age. I can’t believe they are still milking the franchise. It feels like Sorry came out at the beginning of the millennium, and it Almost did… Portland is having a premier on Friday the 9th at the Department:
The new Flip video “EXTREMELY SORRY” will be premiering this Friday night October 9th at 8PM at The Dept. Normally this is when we would go into a brief synopsis of the video but if you don’t know that you should’ve been eagerly anticipating this video for the last 2 years than maybe you should stay home. The Flip team features the gnarliest skaters shredding the gnarliest array of terrain..street, vert, pools, mega ramps. As if that’s not enough, “EXTREMELY SORRY” also showcases the cinematic talents of OG Gresham Loc/Lifelong Pharmacy family member/3rd Westhusing brother/Friend to the entire PDX skate scene/Random Camera Surveillance Director Kurt Hayashi.
Friend to the entire PDX skate scene? Holy cow, I skate and I need a friend. I want to meet Kurt Hayashi. I haven’t been paying attention to Flip lately, I hope they hired Johnny Rotten again.
Yeah, Johnny was good as the narrator. And I have to assume he even had a hand in the music selection, cuz who puts “La Vie En Rose” in a skate video?
when is the sun o bitch commin out?
It’s out already.