
7 thoughts on “Turning it around

  1. skaterhusseindave on September 5, 2009 - Reply

    Sooo when DID we get to be tough? I thought we were skaters because we weren’t tough enough to fight over balls with real men. About our (socialist) war machine:I’m all for self-defense, but it’s not the job of our soldiers to spread democracy.

  2. Profligate (PROF-li-git) adj:

  3. skaterhusseindave on September 5, 2009 - Reply

    I know your words, but your pronunciations?

  4. Estes' Ghost on September 5, 2009 - Reply

    Deep thoughts with Conahan, a new SNL skit.

  5. I’d like to have a little of that war money to get parks built.

  6. nice words of the day

  7. …yea, drop skateparks, not bombs.

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