Talk to this loser. RIGHT NOW!
I totally spaced this interview I am doing with John Doe Zine. Call 347 633 9578 at 4:30pm Mountain to get in on it. It’s one big party line. You’ll meet dates too.
I am a master of self promotion, obviously. Actually, I blame Colin, he was supposed to write up the John Doe interviews story.
UPDATE: Well, it’s over now, for better or worse, you can listen to it online at Blog Talk Radio, or catch it after the jump.
Thanks to Rich and Jim from John Doe Zine. Massive apologies for not promoting this here.
I’m not hearing a damned thing. Is it windoze only or something?
great Falcons shirt btw. They’re wearing 1966 throwbacks next Sunday. Black jerseys, red helmets.
Naw, it works, takes a while to buffer.
I bought that shirt at an airport gift store in Atlanta. It was on sale for $10.
1966 Jerseys… Cool, I love the old style uniforms better. Although I’m proabbaly thinking of the 70’s ones. I don’t know if they were different in the 60’s. How did you find that out?
i was gonna call in and prank you but i couldnt get away from work. some of their other interviews were alright and some i couldnt get past the first few minutes before i had to turn it off.
houseofneil, there’s a podcast version on itunes
they wore black for like 3 years from 66 to 69, and then they changed to the oldschool red jerseys which they kept through 1989. falcons website has pictures.
Hey kook the phone thing sucks balls.
Wish I had my Fly Away Helmet still……….
i just wasted an hour of my life listening to that. You all owe me 1 hour.
You know me, we talk all the time. You should have known better. I say, buyer beware!
Stuff it Grover, you’re just jealous!
No offense to you Randy, I lasted 10 minutes on that phone conversation. I couldn’t handle all of the “fuckin’this” and “fuckin’ that” utterances.
Come on Bryce, It’s OK. You can cop to not liking me!
That’s funny, Grover made that point too. It was a bit much in some of the other interviews I checked out. I’m just flattered to be asked, I guess. Like I said in the other comments, the interview series is a good idea, they just need to refine their technique. I think if people knew about it in advance and were inclined to call in with questions it could go a lot better, and that was my fault for not promoting it here.
there is very little point in interviewing somebody if you know nothing about them or what they do. It could have been interesting–you’ve done a lot of stuff in your life–but they preferred to talk about inane nonsense. Not your fault.
Well, I am quite a guy.
(I just got an image of Chrstopher Walken as the “The Continental” on SNL)