One man’s discarded toy
One man’s discarded toy is the best thing that ever happened to another little kid. MC origianlly had plans to have some sort of mega session with people over at his place skating the new bowl and the old miniramp, but he got over that idea sometime shortly after the coping was set. The more deck he poured, the more irrelevant the miniramp became. Now it’s leaving the H.O.M.O.S. compound and relocating to GVK headquarters. We had a lot of fun on that miniramp, and I’m sure it will be a lot of fun a t Grover’s house when it gets reincarnated, provided it doesn’t get reincarnated as a stack of rotting wood that never got assembled in his back yard.
that kids already a ripper… now his old man doesn’t stand a chance
Friends ROCK! Jack, don’t let up on Pops… If you buggers can build a bowl in what, about 3 months, you can certainly rebuild a mini ramp in a couple of weekends…
in winter I was talking with some skaters about Hood River, and how I had been told the halfpipe was up for grabs if I wanted it, I was like “let’s rent a semi, and go get that thing!” and one guy was like “too late, some guy named Grover in Portland already got it”. any truth to that?
He tried. In the end they had some sort of blind auction, you had to write a proposal on why you should get the ramp, they chose someone in or around Hood River. I think they wanted to keep it local if they could, so Hood River kids might still have a chance of riding it (even though nobody ever rode it at the park) Grover was all over that thing, but they gave it to someone else. I don’t know if/where it was set up, they wouldn’t flow the contact info to Grover.